You’re in the right place at the right time.
And now that you’re here, I hope you’ll find what you’ve been looking for. This blog can be a powerful resource for you, whether it’s to learn more about spirituality, meditation, mindfulness, healing, manifestation or practical tips & suggestions to embody your highest self and do your part to change our world for good.
So pour yourself a cup of tea. Turn on some of your favorite, relaxing music.
Get comfy and stay a while, why don’t you?
You’re ready to see the bigger picture of who you are and why you’re here.
And my hope is that what I’ve written here can help you remember.
Latest Blog Post from 09/28/24
“Embracing the Changing of Life’s Seasons”
When we come to an end of a season in our life, it’s natural for us to experience a mix of emotions as we wonder, “What now?” And that is the precise purpose of being in between: To answer that question from within.
Featured Blog Posts
“Seeing Past the Illusion of Separation”
While we may appear separate in our physical bodies, we are actually one in Spirit. Learnng to see past the illusion of this separation is key to spiritual growth and raising your human consciousness.
“5 Steps to Improve your Meditation”
It’s all about foundation. For when you master the basics, only then can you master advanced teachings and techniques. The practice of meditation and controlling your mind is no exception.
“Learning to Empty your Cup”
In the search for life’s meaning, the best way to learn may not be knowing it all and filling ourselves with knowledge. On the contrary, the best way to learn may be knowing nothing and emptying your cup.

““If thou but settest foot on this path, thou shalt see it everywhere.”
— Hermes Trismegistus