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May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Embracing the Changing of Life’s Seasons
When we come to an end of a season in our life, it’s natural for us to experience a mix of emotions as we wonder, “What now?” And that is the purpose of being in between: To answer that question from within.
Uniting the Physical and the Spiritual
While many will categorize “spirituality” as something that you do or a set of beliefs that guide how you live your life, to me, that misses the mark. Spirituality is about who you are.
Embracing the Learning Curves of Life
When you step outside your comfort zone to do anything new, you're guaranteed to make mistakes and flounder for a while. And while it's certainly challenging and humbling, it can also be a prime opportunity for rebirth.
Seeing Past the Illusion of Separation
While we may appear separate in our physical bodies, we are actually one in Spirit. Learnng to see past the illusion of this separation is key to spiritual growth and maturity.
The Love of Your Life
Recently, “the love of your life” has taken on a whole new meaning for me. A meaning that has illuminated the greater mysteries of human existence and our higher purpose for me.
May 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius
With each day of this May Full Moon Week, seize the opportunity to grow not only in your awareness of the lunar energies at work, but also your freedom to act upon them consciously with intention.
Breaking the Cycle of Generational Patterns
Generational patterns rely on our consistency and discipline in keeping them alive and well. And to break a pattern, all it takes is one brave soul to begin rewriting the story of the family tree.
Hugging Heart to Heart
Aren’t all hugs are heart to heart? No. In fact, most hugs are not. So sharing a heart to heart hug is an intentional, even revolutionary, act of placing your heart into alignment with the heart of another.
Taking a Leap of Faith
The most challenging part of arriving at a crossroads is often not the decision itself. But rather the lead up to it that brings your faith into question.
Meeting your Own Needs First
If your life is missing the mark and not meeting your needs, you have the power to change that. Taurus Season helps us to get clear on how to use that power for good.
Understanding your Power to Manifest
Consider the idea that we create our lives from our thoughts. What does that mean?
Choosing the High Road
Sometimes we feel tempted to "teach someone a lesson" or put someone in their place in a vindictive way. But what's behind that temptation?
April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio
The recent Eclipses have set in motion a 6 month journey. A journey towards understanding the true value of being honest, authentic and in integrity with yourself.
Moving from Darkness into Light
If you're facing darkness in your life and the wake up call is getting louder and louder, don't be afraid to look and listen.
Embracing the Power of the Eclipse
In between Eclipses, it's normal to feel your life unsettling or unraveling. Things from deep within are now coming to light. And we are being called to come clean and get real about life.
Easter Reflections
When we signed up for life in this physical body and incarnating into this physical realm, we also signed up for a physical death and an exit from this physical realm.
Becoming Comfortable with Discomfort
It may sound paradoxical, but becoming comfortable with discomfort is one of the most valuable skills we can learn in life.
Full Moon Eclipse, March 2024
The energies of this Full Moon Eclipse in Libra may be especially hard to ignore right now. Here are 3 themes you may be noticing in your life…
Welcoming Spring
We've arrived at the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere: An exciting turning point towards longer, brighter and warmer days to come.
Life is a Journey
Life is a journey. It consists of ups, downs and the spaces in between. It's easy to think of them as separate. But that is an illusion.