Choosing the High Road

Man and woman looking away from each other

Sometimes we feel tempted to "teach someone a lesson" or put someone in their place. But what's behind that temptation?

Is it to punish?

To embarrass them?

To take their power?

To make them feel less than?

To feel pleasure?

And an especially important question: What good will come of it?

In my experience as someone who used to use this approach in almost all his relationships - hurting others before they could hurt him - no good comes of it. The fleeting moments of feeling powerful and in control are gone almost as quickly as they came. And the damage of what was said remains, breaking trust, breaking respect and burning bridges. Moving me away from others, and away from myself.

Depressed man sitting in the dark by the window

And after repeating the same pattern and getting the same results, I realized that that's not what I want.

Not for me, not for those around me, not for Humanity now, not for Humanity after I'm gone. Because I realized that I have that power. That my choices make a difference. And that how I choose to live my life creates a pattern that weaves into the collective consciousness and affects not only myself and those directly involved, but everyone around me. Because we are all One.

So when the urge comes up - which it still does - I press pause...and I choose not to listen. Easier said than done, but something I’ve made possible through the foundation of my metaphysical training, consistent meditation and using my tools and rituals daily to remain in integrity with the truth of my heart and my Higher Self.

I remind myself that more negativity doesn't create more positivity. And I think about the Golden Rule, and not only how I wish to be treated, but how I want others to treat my mother, my father, my friends, my loved ones, my children... And I illuminate the higher, less traveled road that leads towards unity and not separation.

So know that you can choose another way. There's more than enough conflict, drama and vindictiveness in our world.

You don't have to add to it.


Understanding your Power to Manifest


April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio