The Love of Your Life
When people say, “The love of your life,” the assumption is that we’re talking about a special someone. Who is the love of your life, right?
But as I continue to progress through the transition following my leap of faith, awash in the Taurean and Venusian energies of the recent New Moon, for the first time ever I heard this phrase in a whole new way and it caught me off guard.
As opposed to the emphasis on “love,” the emphasis suddenly migrated to “life.”
And instead of this saying referring to a relationship with a person, it now referred to one’s relationship with their own life. The love one expresses, practices and exemplifies through their daily actions for their own life and the opportunity to live it. Not just going through the motions and calling it in. Not just talking the talk. But living life with presence, with honor, with gratitude, with pleasure and in integrity with the frequency of unconditional Love.
Can you imagine walking the walk of unconditional Love with yourself?
It would change everything in your life, wouldn’t it?
And can you imagine if others walked the walk, too? If we all lived every day genuinely loving our lives?
It would be revolutionary. It would change life as we knew it. And while our brains will understandably intervene on our behalfs to talk us out of such delusions, our hearts and our souls may present another argument.
That even though this is not reality nor life as we’ve ever known it…even though this would require an unprecedented amount of energy, discipline and courage to initiate such paradigm shift collectively, let alone individually…that none of these are reasons to not attempt it.
And that maybe it’s why we’re here on Earth.
Maybe it’s all part of our higher purpose and higher calling. Why we’re all here together…now.
To unlock our own inherent potential to love all and accessing the power of Christ Consciousness. To follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ in this way. Not so that he may remain forever alone on a pedestal as an impossible ideal and we should forever remain apart as unworthy, immature sinners who never learn. But rather as an affirmation of what all of us can attain and who we all can become in our physical lifetime. Learning and growing in our desire to join Jesus Christ in his Mission and to live as he did and accomplish everything he accomplished and more.
And in committing ourselves and our lives to this level of Love, contributing our own unique piece of the puzzle and helping to transform this dream and hypothetical ideal of World Peace into a lived, and shared, manifest reality. Through uncovering the brilliance of our hearts to Love ALL.
So when you hear someone say, “The love of your life,” you can now perceive it in a new way. Just as this epiphany found me at the right time when I was ready to hear it, it has now found you. And with it may come a new awareness and consciousness that begins unlocking the greater mysteries within yourself and why you chose to incarnate on this planet in the body that you’re in.
To find the Love of your Life.