Taking a Leap of Faith
In life, it's inevitable that we'll find ourselves at crossroads.
Maybe you're at a crossroads right now:
A juncture in your life where you have the choice to take your life in a completely new direction and explore uncharted territory.
And the the most challenging part of arriving at a crossroads is often not the decision itself. But rather the lead up to it and making your way through the fears, the doubts, the guilt, the grief and all the what ifs that come up as you approach the edge.
From one perspective, you could view these as reasons to not leap and to stay in what you know and what you're comfortable with, even if it's no longer serving your highest good and limiting you from growing. And from another, you could view them as opportunities to practice trusting in yourself, discerning the voice of your heart and gaining the inner strength to make the leap with courage, confidence and clarity.
Think about the caterpillar as it nears its time to become a butterfly.
It must unbecome itself in order to become more of what it was actually created to be. It has to let go of its old form completely. And so it with us when we arrive at these crossroads and the major life decisions they will require of us.
So if you're at a crossroads, consider the inevitability of becoming who and what you were destined to be. You’re arriving at a crossroads for a reason. Not necessarily to take anything away, but perhaps to offer you a whole new experience of life and what you’re actually capable of. So know that there's no need to fear your evolution. You have the sense and intuition that there's something waiting for you on the other side of your unbecoming - a new life and a new you. An opportunity to spread your wings!
And the only way to know that for certain is to trust your intuition and follow your heart. And leap.