Meeting your Own Needs First
Is your physical life meeting your needs?
Do you have the support, energy, time and resources to feel secure, provided for and free to thrive in your life?
Entering into Taurus season from April 20-May 20, these themes may be bubbling up to the surface. Manifesting as situations that highlight how your needs are, in fact, being fulfilled and how this is providing you with energy, excitement and passion for life. And also as situations where your needs are clearly not being fulfilled and how this is creating a drain on your bandwidth and happiness, leaving you feeling depleted and depressed.
Vanessa Nova, my dear friend and mentor who first encouraged me to explore my healing gifts back in 2015, reminded me that an essential component to this inventory is being honest about how you, yourself, are stepping up to the plate and providing for yourself.
Are you doing what you can to meet your own needs?
Or are you relying on others to meet your needs for you?
Are you taking the initiative to change your own thoughts and adjust your habits to better align with your needs? Or are you waiting on life and those around you to change first?
Are you communicating your needs clearly to others in way they can understand and act upon? Or are you expecting them to read your mind and resenting them when they don't?
To be clear, this isn't about doing it all on your own. None of us can do that. I've tried it every which way, and believe me, it doesn't ever end well!
But rather to acknowledge your own power and responsibility to:
a) Know what your present needs are with precision and clarity
b) To value & honor your needs through expressing them with ownership instead of victimhood
c) To not expect others to do for you what you are not willing to do for yourself
So if these themes are coming up for you right now, know that you're not alone. I'm right there with you. And also consider that they're coming up for a good reason. Not to rub your face in your shortcomings, regrets and failures. But rather to remind you that you are the center of your Universe.
You are where it all begins and ends. This is your life.
So if your life is missing the mark and not meeting your needs, you have the power to change that. To dare to put yourself first and take a leap of faith so you can have all the energy, support, time, resources and love that you need to be the best version of you and to share that with the world. And dare I say that none of us were born to be a lesser version of ourselves and not our lives to the fullest.
So accept the challenges that may be coming up during Taurus Season and have courage to make the changes that you can to begin steering your life more and more into alignment with the life that meets all of your needs. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.