Welcome to my Blog.
May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Thank you for being here. And, again, enjoy your visit, make yourself comfortable, and stay for as long as you like. The door is open.
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Uniting the Physical and the Spiritual
While many will categorize “spirituality” as something that you do or a set of beliefs that guide how you live your life, to me, that misses the mark. Spirituality is about who you are.
Embracing the Learning Curves of Life
When you step outside your comfort zone to do anything new, you're guaranteed to make mistakes and flounder for a while. And while it's certainly challenging and humbling, it can also be a prime opportunity for rebirth.
Seeing Past the Illusion of Separation
While we may appear separate in our physical bodies, we are actually one in Spirit. Learnng to see past the illusion of this separation is key to spiritual growth and maturity.
Taking a Leap of Faith
The most challenging part of arriving at a crossroads is often not the decision itself. But rather the lead up to it that brings your faith into question.
Meeting your Own Needs First
If your life is missing the mark and not meeting your needs, you have the power to change that. Taurus Season helps us to get clear on how to use that power for good.
Becoming Comfortable with Discomfort
It may sound paradoxical, but becoming comfortable with discomfort is one of the most valuable skills we can learn in life.
Spring Awakening Within You
As we approach the imminent new beginnings of Spring, we may be faced with the growing pains of our transformation.
Healing as a Way of Life
Healing is often equated with feeling better or lessening pain. Which logically results in the conclusion that healing is only needed when you're feeling bad or you're in pain. But that's not accurate at all.
3 Key Points to Manifesting Change
If your sincere desire is to improve and evolve yourself, it's important to remain aware of 3 key points of manifesting change in your life.
Keep your Focus on the Light
Goodness can be hard to find. Not because it’s hidden in darkness or because it’s lacking. But often because we've learned to more easily focus on the darkness rather than on the light.
The Role of Metaphysics in Ascending Human Consciousness
If you've ever wondered about why we exist, where we came from before we were born and where we go after we die, and the greater meaning of life, that is the purpose of studying and applying metaphysics.
Living in the Midst of Dying
From the very moment we’re born into this world, we’re already on the journey towards dying a physical death. Every day, every breath…we’re dying. Which is a different framework for viewing life.