Healing as a Way of Life

Father and son enjoying life

Healing is often equated with feeling better or lessening pain. Which logically results in the conclusion that healing is only needed when you're feeling bad or you're in pain. But that's not accurate at all.

As a friendly PSA from your Healer friend, you can heal at ALL times.

The etymology of the word "health" can be traced back to the Old English word, haelth, meaning "whole." So healing can be defined as gaining the knowledge, skills and support to move yourself towards wholeness in mind, body and spirit. Which can mean many things, including:

  • Increasing your ability to unplug from distractions and tune into the present moment and the richness it has to offer you

  • Finding ways to boost self-love, self-worth & self-confidence and quieting the inner thoughts and voices that would convince you otherwise

  • Placing yourself in better environments with consistent access to people who get you and will support you to thrive and be your best

  • Adopting better habits and lifestyle practices that energize you instead of drain you

  • Learning how to balance your life more effectively so you can work, play and live smarter, not harder

  • Seeking your life's higher purpose and honing in on your unique piece(s) of the puzzle in the BIG picture of life

  • Removing what keeps you divided and walled off within yourself and adding in what progresses you towards a more unified and integrated experience of Self

  • Enlightening yourself to the consistent truth of what sparks your passion and cultivates joy & freedom in your life

  • Elevating your innate gifts and talents and learning how to use them in service to creating a better and brighter world

Mom and Daughter laughing on a park bench

And the list could go on and on.

Because what each of us needs to feel more whole, more alive and more healthy will constantly evolve as we evolve. What moves you towards wholeness right now and what moves me towards wholeness right now could be very different things. And then at certain points, we may need similar things. What connects us to healing and what disconnects us from healing will always keep changing, so we have to remain open and ready to adapt and go with the flow. To allow healing to unfold.

So know that healing doesn't have to just happen when we're not feeling well or we're in pain.

Healing can be a way of life. Healing can happen at all times in all parts of our lives. When we're at the peaks, when we're in the valleys and when we're in between.

Because we can always be moving towards a greater quality of life.

We can always be moving towards wholeness and an increased capacity to live with more purpose and meaning.

We can always be moving toward learning and growing into our full, divine potential. Right?

No matter how we’re feeling, we can always be moving towards health and healing. For ourselves and for one another.

Have questions about healing and taking steps to jumpstart your healing journey?

Schedule a free Exploration Session with me to discover what’s possible.


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