The Importance of Embracing your Warrior Spirit
I'm just returned from our annual 6-day Warriors of Light retreat in Ontario with the Modern Mystery School International and I'm gratefully observing a whole new understanding of my self, my purpose and the future of the world we can live in coalescing. And so I want to share just one tiny piece of what I’m learning with you:
Embracing your warrior spirit is easier said than done.
I know this because Guerrero is Spanish for "warrior" - it's literally my middle name! And while I suppressed it for most of my life, convincing myself that I'm a peacemaker and could never actually be a warrior, I am now learning the deeper layers of what being a warrior can actually mean.
A common misconception - one I used to accept without question - was that too much warrior spirit inevitably results in war. But now I understand that it is the lack, or defiance, of warrior spirit that creates the perfect conditions for war, conflict and chaos - whether within yourself or out in the world we live in - to thrive.
For cultivating the warrior spirit requires courage, discernment, discipline, order and balance. It cannot happen without these things. And this cultivation is not in the service of starting wars or abusing power. But rather in the service of peace and knowing how to take action to end wars and restore equilibrium so that harmony and unity can flow freely again. BOTH within and without.
Because unless you are prepared to face, and end, the battles within yourself, you will fail in facing and ending the battles outside of you. And on the Ritual Master path in the Modern Mystery School, we are trained to face both.
So that our aim, whether to restore peace and emanate Love or to hold back the darkness and exorcise evil, will find its mark. So that we may be in balance, able to consciously access both the warrior & the healer as is the need to anchor more spiritual LIGHT and JOY in our physical world. So that we may be a strong & fit vessel for God’s Will to flow through.
And returning home after 6 transformative, challenging and truly magical days together with my beautiful brothers and sisters from all around the world, I am blessed with a deeper understanding of who I am. Knowing my worthiness to stand in the power of my middle name. And embracing the birthright of my warrior spirit. That I CAN be a warrior. A Warrior of Light.
Do you feel called to embrace and cultivate your own warrior spirit? To become empowered to develop your gifts to spread light and hold back the darkness? And to learn ancient wisdom teachings and metaphysical tools to support you in anchoring it in all dimensions of your life?
Reach out and schedule a free consultation to learn more about the Ritual Master path and the steps that will lead you there. MORE warrior spirit is needed right now in our world - not less. And you can be a part of that shift that will help all of us - and those who come after us - to know true world peace.