My Experience with the EnSofic Ray Healing Modality

Man's hand reaching into the light of the rising Sun

As you may know, I sustained an eye injury just over 4 weeks ago. A corneal abrasion due to a surprise meeting of a dead branch and my eyeball to be painstakingly exact, which is why I've been wearing sunglasses in all my recent posts and videos.

In addition to my own self-care, 2 weeks ago I sought out Christine Elwart at the Academy for Empowered Living to receive the full 3-sessions of the EnSofic Ray Healing Modality - a modality known for catalyzing profound, and even miraculous, healing breakthroughs.

And today I would like to share with you my own personal experience.

Session #1:

Going into my first session, my eye was still swollen and slightly bulging outwards. I was experiencing a constant, low to mid-level migraine along with tension and pain in my face, jaw, neck, shoulders. Flashing lights and moving images on the television or my computer caused pain, so I was avoiding technology, TV, and driving as much as possible. And both eyes were irritated, and the injured one felt like there were still foreign objects in my eye, so it was difficult to keep my eyes open for long periods of time, which was exhausting. In the days following this session with Chris, I felt my body detoxing the inflammation and trauma from my eyes, head, and nervous system on a cellular level - like it was getting squeezed out of me. It was uncomfortable, and at times the pain and tension got worse. But I was aware this purification was part of the healing process, so I embraced it.

Session #2:

5 days later, I had my second session where seals were inscribed into my energy field to anchor in the Light and boost my innate healing factor. Immediately following my session, I felt lighter and brighter and more tuned into the beauty of the present moment. And in the days following this session, the constant tension in my jaw, neck, and shoulders quickly faded and my migraines suddenly stopped. I still wasn't reading very well and was still fumbling with my hands as my depth perception and hand-eye coordination were still off, but I could tell my eyes were starting to track together again. I felt a renewal of the energy that had previously been locked up in the inflammation that had been released, and so I could exercise again, began using technology more, was able to be more focused and productive, and needed to take less breaks and naps throughout the day.

Session #3:

8 days later, I received my third and final session which is tailored based upon the needs of the client. I chose to focus upon destroying fears. Throughout all of this, the prognosis for my recovery was uncertain and the time that it would require to heal was open-ended. And while I understood that, this all being uncharted territory for me, it also was unsettling and there was a small part of me that wondered if there would be permanent damage. But after that third session, there was a tangible shift within me as I could now feel myself approaching some form of completion. Perhaps the end of my healing journey with my eye?

Me wearing purple sunglasses and feeling hopeful

As of writing this, it has been 3 days since completing all 3 sessions. And this is what have I experienced so far:

  • The inflammation behind my eye is gone and there is no more bulging nor the sensation of something stuck in my eye

  • I've regained the ability to read without getting shooting pain, light flashes, or migraines

  • My depth perception has returned and my hand-eye coordination is vastly improved

  • Flashing lights and moving images don't hurt anymore, so I am able to use technology, watch TV, and drive again with minimal to mild discomfort

  • My photosensitivity is much, much less and I can now keep both eyes open for much longer periods of time

  • And according to my eye doctor who I saw yesterday, there is no longer any sign of the corneal abrasion or trauma to the socket and he said that my eye should be relatively back to normal within 1 week with no permanent damage

2 weeks ago, I was in a great deal of pain and discomfort and was nowhere near expecting these kinds of results. But I had hope and was open to their possibility, which is why I reached out to Chris - one of just two certified Advanced EnSofic Ray Healing Modality Practitioners in the state of Michigan. And upon the completion of the full 3 sessions, I am so amazed and grateful for what I’ve personally experienced and the healing she facilitated in me through this amazing modality. How quickly my body has overcome the inflammation, trauma, and pain, how smoothly my eyes and nervous system are returning to equilibrium and their optimal function, and how I can now confidently say that I have turned the corner and am on track to making a full recovery - I am in awe, as it has far surpassed my expectations.

So if you’re seeking deep, transformative, miraculous healing, open yourself to the possibility of it through the full 3 sessions of the EnSofic Ray Healing Modality. There are certified Advanced Practitioners all over the world, so if you’re not in Michigan, click this link to go to the worldwide directory so you can find the practitioner nearest you. And allow yourself to discover just how powerfully, gracefully, and radically you can heal.


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