Your Purpose is Within
For most of my life, I searched for my purpose outside of myself. In school, work, relationships, social causes, prestige, and material things. And while I found things that felt purposeful, I always sensed that something was missing.
It wasn't until I began to look within myself that I began experiencing my own unique purpose. And not looking within like a tourist on vacation with a round-trip ticket. But looking within as an explorer on a mission, seeking to illuminate uncharted territory and create maps in order to expand into the mysteries of the unknown and not look back.
Because I’ve discovered that's what it takes to discover your true self.
Not the self presented to the world, assembled from masks and walls intended to please others and defend ourselves from rejection. But who you are underneath it all. The constant, eternal,and incomprehensible you you've always been and always will be. That Self.
The I Am.
Once I devoted myself to the journey of finding and embodying who I truly am and calibrating my inner compass to seeking my Higher Self instead of my Lower Self, that's when I began getting glimpses of my own unique purpose. And that changed not just pieces of my life, but it changed who I am as a whole. It revolutionized my awareness of what I could do and make possible in the world. And it facilitated my true self emerging to the surface so my true purpose could finally manifest in the world.
Did I do it alone? No way! I had tried doing it alone for nearly 40 years and no matter what I had tried, my progress was slow, haphazard, and seemingly random at best. It was through becoming a student and apprentice in the Modern Mystery School International for the last 8 years that I gained access to not only teachings, tools, and healings specifically designed to sustainably reveal and strengthen my true self and true purpose, but I also gained access to a path containing a wealth of ancient wisdom and support, from teachers, guides, fellow students, friends, and masters in both the physical and spiritual worlds. And my progress since then has shifted remarkably, becoming smooth, steady, deliberate, and like nothing I had ever imagined possible in my lifetime. And yet also, just as I now know it was destined to be once I was ready to answer the call.
And I want to pay that forward. In fact, it's more than a want - it's my calling. To share what I've learned and what I've experienced in ways that will lead others to their own miraculous shifts, their own deep healing, their own discovery of their hidden gifts and purpose, and their own enlightened embodiment of their true, divine selves.
For my purpose is to stand as a lighthouse and illuminate a door that leads to your own unique enlightenment. And to guide you to a path that illuminates knowing and embodying your true Self from within so you canmake possible the purpose for which you were perfectly and divinely created!
So if you're ready to embark on an adventure towards finding your true self, let's have tea and discuss the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation Class and how they can serve you to reach whole new levels of knowing and living your life’s purpose. And know that you can stop being a tourist when it comes to discovering who you are and why you’re here. It's time to become an explorer on a journey of bringing Light into the unknown.