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May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Thank you for being here. And, again, enjoy your visit, make yourself comfortable, and stay for as long as you like. The door is open.
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Embracing the Changing of Life’s Seasons
When we come to an end of a season in our life, it’s natural for us to experience a mix of emotions as we wonder, “What now?” And that is the purpose of being in between: To answer that question from within.
May 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius
With each day of this May Full Moon Week, seize the opportunity to grow not only in your awareness of the lunar energies at work, but also your freedom to act upon them consciously with intention.
April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio
The recent Eclipses have set in motion a 6 month journey. A journey towards understanding the true value of being honest, authentic and in integrity with yourself.
Becoming Comfortable with Discomfort
It may sound paradoxical, but becoming comfortable with discomfort is one of the most valuable skills we can learn in life.
My Journey to Becoming a Healer
Sometimes people think that I must have always wanted to be a Healer, meditation instructor and spiritual Guide. That it came naturally or easily to me. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Learning to Flow with Life
When we resist what is, it is hard and we suffer. When we embrace what is, it is not hard and we don't suffer. It's simple, right?
But not easy, especially to the human mind.
Breaking Free from Worry
Reflect on your own experience. When has worrying ever helped a situation to improve or for you to become clearer on a solution or a way forward?
Growth Happens Beyond your Comfort Zone
One of my favorite quotes is "Fear is the natural reaction of moving closer to the truth." And it's one that I keep close because in my life, I've found it to be accurate, time and time and time again.
April Full Moon 2023
Did this one sneak up on you, too? I know it did for me. But Luna doesn't lie, so here we are at yet another opportunity to tie up loose ends so we can pass through a portal into new beginnings and horizons!
The Highs and Lows of Healing
The process of growing and healing will take you through both the highs and the lows. Objectively it's easy to recognize that. But when you're in it, especially the lows, that's a different story.
Learning How to Relax as you Stretch
Reading the above title may seem a little ambiguous. Does Jonathan mean spiritual stretching or physical stretching? And the answer is: Yes.
Your Purpose is Within
It wasn't until I began to look within myself that I began experiencing my purpose. And not looking within like a tourist on vacation. But looking within as an explorer on a mission, seeking to illuminate uncharted territory.
Know Thyself
Why is it so important to know who you truly are? Because only the true you can live your true purpose.
Discerning the Voice of your Negative Ego
Before a big leap of faith, you'll almost always hear a voice within you that whispers for you to back out. A voice that uses the timeless tools of fear, shame, and guilt and claims to be looking out for you by protecting you from uncertainty, failure, and risk. You know the one, right?
The Growing Pains of Healing & Evolving
In full transparency, there will be several times throughout your journey of healing and growing where you will find yourself in uncharted territory. Where your internal compass seems to go haywire and you may no longer recognize yourself.
5 Steps to Strengthen your Meditation Practice
It’s all about foundation. For when you’re masterful with the basics, you are much more likely to be masterful with advanced teachings and techniques. Your practice of meditation is no exception.
Integrity: Where has it gone?
In our world right now, it’s easy to wonder where the integrity has gone. From the sensationalism of celebrities in the media, uproar regarding fairness in all levels of athletics, the decisions and justification of those decisions made by world leaders, to the heated debate over inclusion and representation…you can see the ripples everywhere. So how do we restore integrity in our lives?
How to Manifest what You Want
Sometimes people fall under the impression that they need to learn “how to manifest” because they believe they don’t know how to manifest period. But that isn’t accurate. The truth is, you are constantly manifesting. But are you manifesting what you want or are you manifesting what you don’t want? That is the question…
Keeping your Energy Up during Fall & Winter
As we progress further into Fall and Winter and the days grow ever shorter and colder, it's natural to feel our energy levels shift. Which can set off panic and worry, as our brains spin with worst case scenarios. But this shift towards more stillness and a slower pace of life is actually natural and can benefit us greatly if we can embrace it. Here are 3 tips to help you do that.
Allowing Yourself to be Seen
Have you ever considered that perhaps the reason you don’t, or won’t, see eye to eye with someone is because one, or both, of you doesn’t want to be seen? When tensions arise in relationships, even tension we might consider positive, it’s easy to to take it personally and make it about them. But that isn’t accurate - it’s actually mostly about us.