The Growing Pains of Healing & Evolving
In full transparency, there will be several times throughout your journey of healing and growing where you will find yourself in uncharted territory. Where the tools that worked before don't work the same, where the perspectives and paradigms no longer align, where your internal compass seems to go haywire and you feel lost or disoriented, and where you may no longer recognize yourself.
This is why there’s a specific question on my intake form asking you how willing you are to change. Because that’s the purpose of the Lineage activations, initiations, and healing services I offer and the reality of their impact in your life: You will not be the same person. Which a lot of people aren’t prepared for. We’ve become used to healings and therapies that bring us momentary soothing by rearranging what’s blocking us from healing, but don’t actually remove the blocks. So inevitably, we will find ourselves back where we were at square one: Blocked from our own healing.
Having been subjected to “healing in circles” for most of my life, I have no desire to pay that forward to you. Instead, my Mission through sharing the healings, meditations, and initiations of this ancient Lineage is to serve you by setting your life in the direction of who you are ready to become. Giving you tools that will last a lifetime (not just until our next appointment) to actually remove the blocks. And to free yourself from whatever has been holding you back from realizing your true essence and full potential. Which necessarily means that there will be a period of time during the transition from who you used to be to who you’re becoming where you won’t know who you are. And that's okay.
Now don't get me wrong - it won't feel like that in the moment!
No matter how many times it happens to me, it's always challenging. I, too, am on a journey of becoming, and there are always growing pains regardless of how far you go. And I know it can be easy to fall into despair, panic, frustration, anger, and fight/flight/freeze. You may even feel like you've done something wrong, something bad has happened to you or you’re being punished, because of the circumstances you find yourself in.
But don’t despair. If you're truly growing and removing the blocks to your healing, you will inevitably find yourself in these places. No one, and I mean no one, has ever avoided growing pains on their journey of becoming and manifesting their full potential. Just consider any of the individuals in history that inspire you or that you look up to. None of them had it easy getting to where they are and doing what they did. For overcoming resistance and persevering in the face of your fears are necessary keys in the formula of evolution and blazing the trail for living your life’s purpose.
So when you find yourself in uncharted territory and the doors around you that once used to open with ease no longer budge and you no longer recognize who you see in the mirror, know that it's an opportunity to turn from the shadow and face the light so you can discover. A new door. A new way. And a new relationship to who you are becoming and where you are going, as opposed to who you were and where you've been. An opportunity to Know Thyself.
So if you're currently in one of these places on your journey of healing and growing, remind yourself that it's temporary. Whether it lasts a few minutes, a few days, or even a few years, it's still temporary. And resist the urge to isolate and to try doing it on your own and to hide your growth from others because you’re afraid of what they will think or how they will judge you. From my experience, that only prolongs the suffering and the illusion that “no one will understand.” Reach out and ask for help and disempower those fears. Be in community and allow the reflection from others who are also on their own journey of healing and growing to help accelerate getting to know who you’re becoming.
And a little further down the path, when hindsight makes things clearer, you’ll see how your overcoming and perseverance has inspired others to dream a little bigger and dare a little more. You’re not alone. You can do this. And so long as you keep going, this too, my friend, shall pass.