Breaking Free from Worry
"Worrying is like praying for what you don't want." - Robert Downey Jr.
This quote illuminates the power of worry in our lives. When we focus our minds and thoughts upon what we don't want, what we don't want to happen or how awful or unfair a circumstance is, rather than alleviate suffering from our lives, it amplifies it.
Think about your own experience. When has worrying ever helped a situation to improve or for you to become clearer on a solution or a way forward?
Worry clouds our judgment and ability to discern, making us more reactive and less able to make sound decisions. And additionally worry can block other energies from coming into your life, including Gratitude, Compassion, Forgiveness, Grace and Peace. Worry repels these energies away from you at a time when you likely need them most. So worrying does nothing to help a situation to improve, and more often than not, makes your experience of the situation worse.
So when worry begins to creep in, the key is learning to press pause.
Instead of focusing on what you don't want and the unfairness of the situation, shift your focus to what you do want and what you can learn from what's happening. As I've said before, instead of interpreting things as happening "to you," consider that they may be happening "for you." This mindset can encourage Gratitude, Compassion, Forgiveness, Grace and Peace to become more accessible to you. Which, conversely, can repel worry!
And through learning to “press pause” more and more consistently will begin to gradually weaken and break the cycles of worry and anxiety in your life.
Now, I understand that this is way easier said than done. If you're like a majority of human beings, this will be exceedingly hard to do! There is strong attachment to worrying in the collective. But that doesn't mean it can't be done. And it also doesn't mean that by you challenging that attachment that it won't make a difference. In fact, in the Empower Thyself Initiation Class I share time-tested spiritual tools to help you overcome that human attachment to worrying. Because it CAN be done. And it DOES make a difference. And it is a much bigger difference in the far reaches of the bigger picture than you can possibly comprehend.
So learn to stop praying for what you don't want. And learn to break the cycles of worry, and instead, use your mind, thoughts and energy to grow and amplify what you need, want and desire in your life!