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May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Thank you for being here. And, again, enjoy your visit, make yourself comfortable, and stay for as long as you like. The door is open.
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The Inside Job of World Peace
Creating a more peaceful world is an inside job - it can only begin within. Having courage to heal the parts of ourselves that defy and resist peace and opening ourselves to the possibility of living in peace & union within. And learning to then embody that peace and reflect it out into the world - as within, so without.
4 Tips to Thriving During Mercury Retrograde
Don’t be fooled by the internet searches warning you about Mercury Retrograde as a messy, chaotic time you have to “survive.” If you can see past the propaganda and shiny clickbait, you just might discover a golden opportunity to thrive!
The Birth of the New World
According to one prophecy, 9/21/21 is the day that a New World can be born - exactly 9 months after the Great Conjunction on 12/21/20. Some will call it the New Earth, others Eden, and other Shambhala. But in whatever way it’s known, the common thread will be this: Love. Love for ALL.
Staying Centered When Life Gets Challenging
We all face challenges in life that test us. But how you perceive them makes all the difference. In this post, I share a simple daily Gratitude meditatation to help you clear the way to a more positive perspective!