The Birth of the New World
Today, September 21, 2021, is a very special day. According to a prophecy, it’s the day that a New World can be born - exactly 9 months after Jupiter and Saturn merged in the sky to form the “Christmas Star” on the Winter Solstice of 2020. Remember that?
Some will call this new world the New Earth… some Eden…others Shangri-La…and some will call it Shambhala. But regardless of how it’s known and the different stories of how it will come to be, all hold in common this:
A strong & sure foundation of Love.
Not the emotion or feeling of love, but rather the force of Love. A love known as agape love and the love associated with the Christos energy. A love that has no limits, no conditions, and no exclusions - a Universal Love for All always from the beginning until the end. A Love that emanates purely from above to embrace Humanity on Earth and bring the reality of Heaven into the physical. A love that vanquishes darkness and makes the way clear.
Now, with any birth, it’s a journey of both beginnings and endings. The completion of a cycle so that another may begin. And this new cycle will have the potential to bring us towards something that has never been before because it simply wasn’t possible then. But, now, today….it becomes possible!
A world of Divine Union. A world filled with peace, joy, unity, and unconditional love for self, others, and all of Nature, the Universe, and God/Source/Creator. A world of harmony, understanding, and great innovation and collaboration. A world that includes all of us - not just some of us - and begins dissolving the beliefs, the structures, and darkness that motivate division and judgment. A world that beckons all of us back together to move forward as one.
It is said that, on this day, this World will begin to enter into our consciousness and into the realm of what can be. No longer an indescribable fantasy, but rather a true possibility that we can manifest! A possibility that I’ll venture to say many of us have been dreaming about for years, and perhaps preparing and training for in our own ways. A possibility that we were born to not only witness, but fight for, and actively contribute to.
So we arrive at this turning point today, where the wheel of time spins with infinite possibilities, and we have a choice. Do we want this new world? Are we willing to sacrifice the dying old world so the new one may be born? And are we ready to do our part to anchor and nurture a reality so different from the reality we’ve known for so long and learn along the way? Will we accept this responsibility?
Because the journey of endings and beginnings that happens on the macro scale will also happen within each of us, on the micro. And we each have our choice. We can choose to begin releasing the patterns of judgment, prejudice, lack of forgiveness, suppressing our voice, and withholding of love for self and others that firmly anchored us in the fabric of the old paradigm and pass through the eye of the needle…or we can hold onto those things and keep the old world alive.
Perhaps you question this prophecy, and rightly so. Who knows if it’s true?
But what if it is?
What if there is something to the astrology, to the world events, the synchronicities, and internal shifts happening right now - what if they’re signs that are pointing us towards building a new world?
These are the questions I asked to myself. And for me, I received my answers not from my mind, but from my heart and my gut. It feels like something is coming…something extraordinary and brand new. And it feels like something that will test my faith - not to expose its weakness - but rather to reveal its strength!
And at the end of the day, even if the prophecy were to be nothing, I would gladly be wrong if it meant I could bring more Light and Joy to my life and to the world around me.
So today, on what could be the most important day of our lives, what will you choose? What will you sacrifice and leave behind so you, yourself, can enter freely into a new way of being? And how will you embrace the force of Love and how it can live and shine through you to liberate our world from darkness?
We each will play our part. And together, it is possible that we will go further than any of us every dared to dream on our own. So just for today, imagine a world of peace and do your best to believe in it. A world with more than enough love and joy for ALL beings on Earth to thrive!
And we shall see what tomorrow brings...