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May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Thank you for being here. And, again, enjoy your visit, make yourself comfortable, and stay for as long as you like. The door is open.
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May 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius
With each day of this May Full Moon Week, seize the opportunity to grow not only in your awareness of the lunar energies at work, but also your freedom to act upon them consciously with intention.
Hugging Heart to Heart
Aren’t all hugs are heart to heart? No. In fact, most hugs are not. So sharing a heart to heart hug is an intentional, even revolutionary, act of placing your heart into alignment with the heart of another.
Embracing the Power of the Eclipse
In between Eclipses, it's normal to feel your life unsettling or unraveling. Things from deep within are now coming to light. And we are being called to come clean and get real about life.
Blessed May Day 2023
We've arrived at the midpoint on our journey from the Spring Equinox, the astronomical 1st day of Spring, towards the Summer Solstice, the astronomical 1st day of Summer. And it is a time of celebrating growth, passion and fertility.
3 Simple Ways to Honor the Spring Equinox
The 1st day of Spring comes with an influx of new energy and light to promote your growth and transformation! Here are 3 simple ways you can tap into these energies and anchor them in your life.
Acclimating to the New Energy of the New Year
If you're feeling out of phase today and a little disoriented as we enter the new year, you're not alone. In the process of accepting new beginnings and the previous cycle finishing, the process of being in between becomes a reality.
The Inside Job of Changing the World
When we desire change in our world, it's easy to get confused and believe we need to start outside of us. But the key to changing our world isn’t out there: It’s within.
Summer Solstice 2022: Accessing Enlightenment
This coming Tuesday, June 21st, marks the Summer Solstice, aka Litha. It's the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of the Summer season. So what's significant about the Summer Solstice and how can you make the most of it?
2022 Spring Equinox + Full Moon Convergence
We've arrived at an exciting weekend where we get to experience both the Full Moon in Virgo and the Spring Equinox! And with this convergence, opening the door to passionate new beginnings and rapid new growth!
5 Tips for Making Space for New Beginnings
As we enter 2022, many of us are feeling the sparks of inspiration to make overdue changes and make our joy and fulfillment a priority over living up to others’ expectations and appearing successful. But manifesting these new inspirations and bringing them through into reality is a process that requires more than meets the eye. Here are 5 tips that can help!
January New Moon 2022
As you look forward to the new beginnings and new possibilities of 2022, don't just keep accumulating goals, resolutions, and backlogging good intentions. Use the New Moon time to focus and get clearer on what's blocking your progression and take the appropriate action to let whatever it is go.
Bringing Light to the New Year
As we transition to a brand new year, it's vital that we open our minds and hearts even further. Opening them to what we don’t know is possible and the transformation, transmutation, and ascension that we cannot yet comprehend. It’s time to live outside the box.
Allowing Yourself to be Seen
Have you ever considered that perhaps the reason you don’t, or won’t, see eye to eye with someone is because one, or both, of you doesn’t want to be seen? When tensions arise in relationships, even tension we might consider positive, it’s easy to to take it personally and make it about them. But that isn’t accurate - it’s actually mostly about us.
4 Tips to Thriving During Mercury Retrograde
Don’t be fooled by the internet searches warning you about Mercury Retrograde as a messy, chaotic time you have to “survive.” If you can see past the propaganda and shiny clickbait, you just might discover a golden opportunity to thrive!
The Birth of the New World
According to one prophecy, 9/21/21 is the day that a New World can be born - exactly 9 months after the Great Conjunction on 12/21/20. Some will call it the New Earth, others Eden, and other Shambhala. But in whatever way it’s known, the common thread will be this: Love. Love for ALL.
Emptying your Cup
In the never ending search for meaning in life, it is important for us to continually learn. From one perspective, this can imply endlessly collecting knowledge, striving to know it all. But there is another perspective wherein the best way to learn is to empty yourself of knowledge and realize you know nothing.
Planting the Seeds of Union
The June New Moon & Solar Eclipse join forces to infuse the collective with the energy of reunion. Closing the gaps, mending the bridges, and overcoming the odds to be together again. And as restrictions are lifted and the worlds starts to open, it presents us with the opportunity to co-create a new “Normal.”
Why People Won’t Meditate
Practicing meditation consistently is a game-changer. The many ways in which it can elevate your quality of life are truly countless: Better sleep, more patience, less stress, less anxiety, stronger focus, deeper fulfillment, more peace…the list goes on and on. So why doesn’t everyone practice meditation?
The First Full Moon of 2021
Thursday, January 28th, marks the unveiling of the first Full Moon of 2021. This Moon sets the tone for how we will step forward and lead in this New Year. Leading others, perhaps, but most importantly, how we will lead ourselves.
4 Keys to Hope
In these rapidly changing times, so much is coming to light. It may even appear that things are getting worse. But don’t let appearances fool you. To help you face the changes of 2021 with grace, here are 4 Keys to Strengthening Hope in your life.