Bringing Light to the New Year
As we now transition to a brand new year, it's important for us to prepare by opening our minds and hearts even further. Opening them to what we don’t know is possible and the transformation, transmutation, and ascension that we cannot yet comprehend.
Change is an inevitable constant, and so it will happen regardless of what we choose.
However, we stand at a unique crossroads in Humanity's evolution where profound, radical change is now possible: A punctuated equilibrium of metamorphosis to direct that change actively towards creating a brighter, more loving World.
To heal what has long seemed unhealable.
To mend what has been broken or severed.
To stop fighting and arguing as the rule and to make peace, balance, harmony, and love - both within and without - the new Human standard.
To step into a brand new way of being in a Life that we never dared believe possible in our lifetime…
This is all possible! But unless we expand our minds and hearts beyond what we already know, what we've already experienced, and what we currently believe to be true and possible, this potential cannot ground and will not manifest in our lives on Earth. And we'll remain as a whole in the passive loop of what we've been living these past 2 years, slowly changing, slowly growing, and slowly learning how to create lasting peace on Earth and love from a higher place.
So as we step bravely into this New Year, I invite you to consider the possibility that what you know, what you think, and what you believe is only part of the journey and not the final destination. There's so much more! Learn to sacrifice the comfort of your limits and what you believe to be absolute, whether it be right or wrong, true or false, positive or negative. And through opening your mind & heart, breaking free to unlimit your growth, expand your vision of the bigger picture, and unleash your actual potential to be of service to creating Light in the darkness and restoring Divine Union and Heaven on Earth. Tapping into the More that is your extraordinary birthright!