Why People Won’t Meditate


Practicing meditation consistently and learning to anchor stillness within is a game-changer.

There are countless positive benefits that can elevate your quality of life.  Better sleep, more patience, more emotional stability, less stress, less anxiety, less pain (physical, mental, and emotional), enhanced resilience, stronger focus, more clarity, greater life fulfillment, and a deeper connection to Self, others, and God…the list goes on and on.  Can you imagine if everyone practiced meditation consistently and experienced these benefits?  The World would be a very different place!

So why doesn’t everyone practice meditation?


To be honest, it’s work.  Like any practice of any skill, it requires diligence, accountability, humility, and a willingness to overcome challenges and setbacks so we can grow.  What you put in informs what you get out. And particularly in the case of meditation – in whatever form it takes - I’ve found that reverence, and tapping into a deeper respect for self, others, the planet, and a Higher Power, is a primary ingredient. 

And in this day and age, these requirements often leave people balking in disbelief. 

“You want me to do what?”


In the climate of quick-fixes, technology addiction, and disconnection from Self, one another, and from God, just the idea of finding stillness and practicing meditation once, let alone daily, is a BIG ask that most are not willing to answer.  Which I get – in 2014, it boggled my mind that people would “choose” to sit and meditate together for longer than 5 minutes.  Why would they waste their time like that?  What’s the point?


But now, I do get it.  And I also understand that because of - and not in spite of - the current climate and state of Humanity, meditation and gaining a clearer, stronger connection to the bigger picture is needed now more than ever.  Not as a waste of time or distraction from the reality of what is.  But as a means of buying us more time to bring our World back into balance, harmony, and peace and creating a new reality of what can be. 


For any time one of us brings more peace into our lives – even just a tiny bit, no matter how fleeting – that’s more peace that’s possible on Earth.  Any time any one of us brings more stillness into our lives, that’s more stillness that’s possible for all to access and step outside the chaos.  Any time any one of us opens ourselves to heal and transform, that’s more healing and transformation that touches all of us. Any time any one of us chooses to change our own mind, it opens the collective mind to new perspectives and new ways of being. It all adds up.


Because the unrest, division, and tragedies we’re witnessing around us are reflections of the state of our collective consciousness:  The overarching consciousness that is a sum of each of our individual consciousness.  That’s every single one of us, all ages, all cultures, all races, all beliefs, and all walks of life, whether we’re awake and aware of it or not.  We all contribute.


Which could certainly be perceived as an insurmountable, overwhelming problem.   A problem that may lead us to thinking, “Why bother trying – it’s impossible to fix,” which could understandably lead us to inaction and apathy.  But on the other hand, it could also be perceived as an opportunity to be part of the change we wish to see in the World.  An opportunity that may lead us to thinking, “If I don’t try, then I can’t complain about the problem, can I?” which could then inspire us to take action and start learning to walk the walk. 

Regardless of which we choose in the moment, our choice impacts the collective consciousness.


So the question is:

Do you wish to have a negative impact – one that sets all of us back and hinders progression?

or a positive impact – one that lifts all of us up and empowers progression?

Practicing meditation consistently is a powerful way of creating that positive impact.  And the more you practice and the more energy you channel into your practice, the stronger the positive impact and the more abundantly the benefits will flow into your life. To be clear, I’m not saying you have to meditate for hours every day in order to contribute positively to your quality of life and the collective consciousness.  (While you certainly could, that’s not a reality most people will choose.) In all honesty, 5 minutes 5 days a week will make a significant difference.  That’s 25 minutes of potential peace of mind and heart that wasn’t there before. And with all the stress, anxiety, conflict, and despair stirred up in the world today, that’s actually a big deal!


So playing devil’s advocate and bringing it back to my own sincere puzzlement from 2014, if 5 minutes really does make such a difference, why would anyone choose to meditate for longer than that?  Wouldn’t that be a waste of time?


Based upon my own experience practicing meditation combined with my experience witnessing the growth trajectory of the students who’ve attending my Meditation System™ classes over the past 6 years, I believe it’s because they’ve experienced the results consistently and they’re willing to go deeper.  Especially with the meditation techniques from the lineage of King Salomon, there doesn’t seem to be a point of diminishing returns - when you put in more, you get more. And knowing that it works and that it’s real, not just as a concept or idea, but as a lived experience - that’s the key! And it unlocks a readiness to discover more because they know it’s possible. A readiness to invest more time and energy into exploring the “More” to their lives that they always knew was there, but didn’t know how to illuminate until now.


“Illuminate” also brings light to the reason why many resist or even denounce meditation.


Meditation brings light within; light from beyond us. 

And meditating illuminates not just what we’re aware of, but also illuminates what we’re unaware of.  It allows us to see and access what’s in the shadows, suppressed within the subconscious.  Which is important to know, because it’s what’s beneath the surface and all the programs and patterns running behind the scenes that actually dictate how we think, feel, and act. 

Which also means that practicing meditation can help us reprogram ourselves, to heal our past, and change how we think, feel, and act in our lives!

But there’s a catch: We can’t unknow what’s brought to light. 

We can’t unknow the awareness that we have the power to undo the stories, delete the patterns, end the cycles, and change our lives for good.  We can’t unknow the responsibility that then falls to us, calling us to positively impact our family tree, the collective consciousness, and initiate healing for All. More knowledge leading to more awareness leading to more responsibility…


And thus, what keeps many at bay from meditation is the fear of knowing. 


I laugh, because at times, I still find myself considering not speaking up, not sending an email, not making an appointment with a doctor, not signing up for a class or course, or not consulting with my Guide/mentor. And all because of one thing:  Fear of knowing. As much as I say I want to know, my hesitation tells me that there’s part of me that really doesn’t want to know and isn’t quire ready to listen. 

Because knowing is powerful & transformative when applied responsibly to action.  And after millennia of the collective consciousness being reinforced with propaganda and programming that equates having power with inevitable abuse, corruption, and destruction, it isn’t powerlessness that we actually fear.  What we fear is having our power and accepting the responsibility to discern how to use it for good and make the correct decision in alignment with God’s will. So how do we do that? How can we overcome our fear of power and learn how to use it wisely?

We have to shine a light to look inside.  To know ourselves, not just for what’s on the surface and can be perceived by others. But for what’s underneath, what’s core to who we are as individuals, and what only we can perceive for ourselves.  Not as a product of the noise, confusion, and evil in the world around us.  But peeling back the layers to know ourselves as a divine creation of clarity, purpose, and goodness that sincerely seeks to shine exponentially more light from within.


 So now when that fear of knowing pops up and tells me to step away from my power? I do the opposite… I step forward, I speak up, I send that email, I make that appointment…I face what’s in my way and choose to challenge the fear in order to unlock the door to my own progression.  A door to knowledge, awareness, and responsibility. A door that remains open so that others may follow suit.


So when I put it in this way, does it make more sense why people don’t or won’t meditate? 


We can’t force anyone to look within and bring light to the shadows. It has to be a choice they make for themselves when they’re ready.  It must be a product of their free will. Because any sooner and the fruits are likely to be of the short-lived, flash-in-the-pan variety. And right now, we need to accumulate positive impacts that are sustainable and can stand the test of time. Positive, willful impacts that can change the storyline of where Humanity appears to be heading.


As an example, ever since March 2020 and the beginning of lockdown, I’ve lead Max Meditation System™ on Zoom every Friday to a community from all over the country.  Several of them started off with little to no expectations, and were even skeptical it would do anything.  They would say “meditation’s never worked for me” “I can’t shut my brain off” or “it’s impossible for me to relax.” 

But then they had their own experience.  And then they had another….and another. And even over Zoom, they still received the benefits and had the a-ha moments; benefits and self-awareness that only grew with every week.  And this empowered them to change their stories for good and say, “Meditation works for me” “I can quiet my mind at will” and  “It is possible for me to relax.”  And those positive impacts rippled outwards to manifest a cascade effect of other positive impacts: Changing even more of the stories holding them back, turning the volume down on the static and up on their intuition, and helping them to mend & fortify their connection to Self, to others, and to God/Source/Creator.  And remember, we all contribute to the collective consciousness.


So will meditation work for you? 

Will it empower you to gain the clarity and inner strength to conquer the fears that hold you back?

Will it change the game and help you reach the next level?

 The only way to find out is through your own experience. 

Don’t believe what I’ve shared here with you here or anyone else that tells you meditation would help.  Instead, I invite you to simply consider it.  Perhaps reflecting on questions like, “Why would I want to try meditation? What could I possibly gain?” or “Why wouldn’t I want to try meditation? What are my reasons and the beliefs behind them?”

And when you feel ready, I encourage you to immerse yourself in the practice and do your best to let go of expectations so that you can experience it fully for yourself.

As we say in Kabbalah, “empty your cup.” Not so that you have nothing, but rather so that you will have the potential to have everything.  Different perspective, right? And know that if you’d like to experience Max Meditation System™ with me, the door is always open.  No experience is required, and right now, there’s no charge.  Message me for the Zoom link!


It’s time to Be the Change – our World needs that from us.  It’s not too late to heal the collective consciousness and bring Humanity back together – it’s never too late.  So make a positive impact.  Choose to meditate.  Start where you are and make your way from there.  And as you find your footing and start walking your path, remember that your own unique experience is your key to unlocking the doors between you and progressing to what’s next. 

Embrace your power to use it. 


Planting the Seeds of Union


Transcending Victimhood