5 Tips for Making Space for New Beginnings
As we enter 2022, many of us are feeling the sparks of inspiration to make overdue changes and make our joy and fulfillment a priority over living up to others’ expectations and appearing successful. But manifesting these new inspirations and bringing them through into reality is a process that requires more than meets the eye. A process of letting go, pruning away, and sacrificing what was in order that what can be will have room to put down deep roots, flourish, and bear positive fruits in our lives.
When the word “sacrifice” is used, it’s often understood as having to give something up or something being taken away in a way that is negative and inconvenient. The word also conjures up ideas of animal or human sacrifice, which is understandably not a desirable thought. And thus, many will avoid making sacrifices to avoid these associations. But if we are to explore the etymology of the word sacrifice, it can be traced to the Latin words, “sacra,” meaning sacred acts or rites, and “facere,” meaning to make or do. So using the Latin roots of the word, sacrifice literally translates as “to make sacred or holy” or “doing sacred work.”
So putting this into the context of the new beginnings and possibilities of the New Year, the act of sacrificing what was, in terms of old habits, thought patterns, opinions, beliefs, and ways of being, is making the process of your transformation and evolution towards what can be a holy and sacred rite of passage. New beginnings require us to expand, which means we will have to take the leap of outgrowing and exceeding the past versions of us. It means we will have to step out of our own way so we can evolve in the direction of who we were born to be and our purpose for being in this life on Earth. And the act of eliminating our attachment to the pleasures, comfort, and value that we’ve attributed to our old self is a vital step in creating space and freeing up our energy and life force so that the ideas of the new beginnings can successfully root so you can follow them through fully to manifestation.
So what are practical, down-to-Earth ways in which you can eliminate what no longer serves and make room for all your brand new beginnings to expand and thrive?
Here are 5 tips that can help:
I hope these 5 tips will be helpful to you in manifesting brave new beginnings and expansive new possibilities in your world. Sacrifice is a very important piece in the process of transformation and evolution, so the more you can recognize it in your everyday life and learn not to fear it and instead to embrace “the act of making something sacred,” the more space, and potential, you will create for positive change and divine alignment with your Highest Good!
Have questions? Reach out and let me know. We are all on the cusp of a New World of Peace and Love, and my hope and my mission is to serve all of us to do our part and contribute our own sacred work to making it there. All of us or None of us…