The Mystery of Truth
“People often claim to hunger for the truth, but seldom like the taste when it’s served up.”
- George R. R. Martin
"Who am I?"
“What is my purpose?"
These timeless questions have answers. But as the quote above alludes, the truths that come to light are often unsettling and unpalatable to us. And that is because human nature compels us to confirm truth rather than discover it. We express a hunger to know who we really are and why we're here, but when it's served up and appears counter to what we believe or challenging to what we already know, we send it back to the kitchen and ask to see the menu again. Does this resonate with you?
But that is the mysterious nature of truth. It is not meant to keep you comfortable - it is intended to set you free. And thus it challenges your limits, it calls your beliefs into question, and it guides you to expand beyond the ordinary and mundane into the mysteries of the unknown, both within and without. Truth is so often right in front of us and yet hidden in plain sight, because it defies our expectations and doesn’t conform to the limits of our consciousness. Thus, the key to unlocking access to the truth, and discovering it, is to let go of expectations, to surrender control, and to exceed the current limits of what we think we know and believe.
As a Guide and a Healer representing the lineage of King Salomon, this is my calling.
To serve my students, clients, and community to challenge their limits and discover the answers and the ever-evolving truth to these existential questions from within. Which is challenging and will push more than just a few buttons - I can vouch for that from personal experience!
I, too, used to find myself at the table ordering truth and then sending it back again and again. But at one point, I had to get real with myself. I knew there had to be another way.
The way I had been doing it on my own wasn’t working. For all the signs and guidance I was receiving from my spiritual guides in dreams and visions, I didn’t know how to apply them in my life. And no matter the quantity of information regarding self-improvement and metaphysics I was researching and filling my head with, I was still finding myself back to the same place again and again, like Groundhog Day. What I could do on my own simply wasn’t enough. So I set aside my pride and ego, and I prayed. I prayed for a teacher and mentor who had walked the walk to help me understand and decode my guidance, to gain real clarity on my life’s purpose, and to locate a spiritual path to transforming and breaking free as they had.
And in the Spring of 2015, my prayers were answered.
I received the Life Activation in May and experienced the Empower Thyself Initiation Class in June. Even within hours of receiving the Life Activation, though I couldn’t describe it at the time, I knew something BIG had shifted. And during the 2 days of the Empower Thyself class, I experienced profound shedding - like weights were being lifted off of me and a bubble of light expanding to surround me, keeping the negative thoughts, visions, and fears at bay. A freedom and lightness that only increased in the aftermath from day to day, month to month, and year to year, as I applied the knowledge and rituals I had received. And 6 years later, it feels like many lifetimes have elapsed, through the guidance, training, and opportunity to apprentice with mentors, teachers, and spiritual guides throughout The Modern Mystery School. Through experiencing both the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation, I found a way to rise above - to stop stopping myself - and I finally broke through to discovering, experiencing, and now living the truths of who I am and my purpose. And 6 years later, I keep breaking through to deeper, more meaningful truths that strengthen the foundation for my Service and Devotion to God and the Great Work.
And it is my Mission to pay that forward to you.
To build your own foundation upon the strength of eternal truths and spiritual principles so you can break through to the mastery of your own powerful gifts, the essence of your own unique service, and to gain unprecedented clarity on the key you hold to manifesting the Great Work. To rise above and beyond and to Know Thyself as the extraordinary and truly special human being that you are. And to have all the support and guidance you require to continue rising above and fulfilling your potential!
So if you're seeking the truth and you're ready to break the cycle and rise above, allow me to serve you with the Life Activation and the Empower Thyself Initiation Class - the keys that unlocked and accelerated my own evolution in 2015. Allow me to serve you by unveiling the hidden knowledge, tools, and light to exceed your human nature and experience truth.
Allow me to help you find and discover what you’ve been looking for.