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May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Uniting the Physical and the Spiritual
While many will categorize “spirituality” as something that you do or a set of beliefs that guide how you live your life, to me, that misses the mark. Spirituality is about who you are.
Healing isn’t About Feeling Good
Particularly in the West, healing has become understood as eliminating symptoms. Focusing on what’s on the surface while ignoring or minimizing the deeper underlying issues that source the symptoms. But that isn’t the reality of healing.
The Connection between Life Purpose & Healing
Healing is the key to transforming the unhealed parts of yourself into healed parts, bringing light to the darkness, and eliminating the shadows that hide the bigger picture of your life’s purpose.
Illuminating the Mysteries Within
Just as there are depths to the ocean and farthest reaches of the cosmos beyond our comprehension, these same uncharted frontiers exist within you. And there will come a time they will call to you to explore them.
Illuminating the Map to your Life’s Journey
In life, we are bound to reach crossroads where our old life comes to an end in order for us to be reborn into our new life. This happens many times throughout our life's journey - it is the Cycle of Life!
Unlocking your Full Divine Potential
Who you were born to be, what you came here to do, and how you will overcome the odds to make it so - It's all in there within you. But there has to be a external catalyst that sets the DNA in motion - from inert and inactive to alive and unfolding. From mere potential to lived potential!
Who is the Empower Thyself Initiation Class for?
This is a frequently asked question when I tell people what I do as a Guide in the Modern Mystery School. And these 3 qualities form a common thread with all who have received this class and initiation…
Unlocking the Door to True Empowerment
Are you seeking tools to eliminate your ego, gain control of your mind, and exponentially amplify the Light you can shine into the world? If so, then you're seeking The Empower Thyself Initiation Class.
Remembering Who You Truly Are
My role as a Guide in the Lineage of King Salomon is to help you remember who you truly are. To serve you in flushing out the programming, dogma, negativity, and self-limiting beliefs that refute your true Spiritual nature. So you can know, and live here on Earth, as your True Self.
Activating Your Full Potential
At first we can perceive our life’s purpose from a linear perspective. As in "once I know what my purpose is then I'll be able to live it!" But from my own personal experience as well as my experience working with my clients, that's not how it works. For purpose is not just a what, but a why and a who. And all three weave together to activate your ability to live and embody your Purpose.
Awakening your Higher Self
Now is the time of new beginnings. Time to zoom out and gain a higher perspective to see what’s possible in your life. But too often we overcomplicate this process and get stuck in our heads attempting to be perfect and not make the “wrong decision.” But the solution is much simpler than we think.
Kole’s Life Activation Testimonial
Every time I receive a testimonial from a client, my heart and soul sing! Because for me, testimonials are more than just words or marketing - they are a Light in the darkness. Beacons of Hope for those seeking healing and the affirmation that more does exist beyond the threshold guarded by our fears, doubts, and every reason we choose to stop short of living life to its fullest.
The Mystery of Truth
The very nature of truth is mysterious. Its purpose is to set you free - not keep you comfortable. And thus, truth hides in plain sight, for it defies our expectations, challenges what we believe, and stretches our limits. So how do you solve the mystery of truth?
Emptying your Cup
In the never ending search for meaning in life, it is important for us to continually learn. From one perspective, this can imply endlessly collecting knowledge, striving to know it all. But there is another perspective wherein the best way to learn is to empty yourself of knowledge and realize you know nothing.
The Value of Struggle
Struggling isn’t bad. There is a time and place for struggling. In fact, struggling and being challenged often provide the perfect conditions for us to reach our next level of personal growth and learn some of life’s most valuable lessons. So why do we go to such great lengths to avoid it?
The 8/8 New Moon
With this 8/8 New Moon, embrace possibility and embrace your potential to expand incomprehensibly. What more can you learn? What more can you experience? What frontiers of who you are and why you are are just waiting to be discovered on your adventures through life?
The Path to Knowing Thyself
The journey to knowing ourselves is like the game of hide & go seek. While it may seem that we know ourselves based on our personality and what's on the surface, the truth of who we really are, why we are, and our Mission on Earth is always hidden below the surface. Because your true measure is never what it appears, and who you think you are is not who you really are. You are vastly More than you can comprehend.
What is an Activation?
To put it simply, an Activation from this lineage is a catalyst! Like a light switch, it turns on what was once turned off and sets in motion what was once motionless. An Activation unlocks unprecedented transformation, awakens deeper awareness of your life’s purpose, and opens the door to becoming Who you were born to be…
Breaking Through to the “More” of Life
Do you feel like something’s missing in your life? You’ve checked the boxes of living a successful life, but a void still remains? You’re not alone. There is More to your life just waiting for you to discover it!