Unlocking the Door to True Empowerment
Are you seeking tools to eliminate your ego, gain control of your mind, and exponentially amplify the Light you can shine into the world?
If so, then you're seeking The Empower Thyself Initiation Class. 8 years ago, this class from the Modern Mystery School transformed my whole life for Good. I still remember the moment when it was first introduced to me - it was like everything suddenly went into slow motion. And while my logical mind was shorting out attempting to make sense of what the class was about and what I was being told it was for, my heart, my soul, and my gut…they were singing! So even though I wasn’t 100% sure what it all was about, I was 100% sure about my gut feeling and my intuition that this was exactly what I had been waiting for all my life. So I followed that and took the leap.
And it was all that and more: A literal answer to my prayers to find a teacher who could help me master my psychic gifts, gain control of my mind, and who could guide me on a enlightening path of spiritual ascension and purpose. To this very day, I still apply the knowledge and tools I received in this class daily to create sacred space for myself, my family, and my clients, to eliminate the negative influence of my ego, to quiet and focus my mind and my emotions, and to align my thoughts, words, and deeds with a Higher Will and a Higher Power. Through them, I am empowered to serve as the Lighthouse for God that I was born to be, radiating hope, positivity, peace, and love with everyone I meet. And being the change, not just with good intentions, but with right action serving the Greater Good of Humanity.
So if you've ever wondered how I became the person I am today and how I've been able to accomplish the things I've done in the past 8 years, now you know! These time tested tools and ancient lineage teachings have made all the difference in accelerating, purifying, and streamlining my spiritual evolution.
And this is the KEY:
You can have it, too.
You have the opportunity to receive the exact same teachings, time tested tools, and physical initiation ceremony from the hallowed Lineage of King Salomon the Wise that changed my whole life for Good and brought me permanently to a higher dimension and frequency of living, The Empower Thyself Initiation Class set me on a course towards manifesting and embodying my Higher Purpose. And just as it was the answer to my prayers at a major crossroads in my life, when I was faced with either staying asleep or waking up, I know it can be the answer to your prayers, too.
To serve you in waking up and staying awake.
So join me on April 15-16 for The Empower Thyself Initiation Class in Royal Oak and open the door to serving your Higher Purpose and reaching the next level of your spiritual awakening. The only prerequisites are receiving a Life Activation and placing a $350 deposit with me as soon as possible to anchor your spot. The total investment for this transformative weekend and initiation ceremony is $1,250.
I can't wait to pay this forward to you. For you were born with an extraordinary destiny. I know you know this. And now is the time for you to have the tools, the wisdom, and the guidance to begin manifesting it at the speed of Light.