Welcome to my Blog.
May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Thank you for being here. And, again, enjoy your visit, make yourself comfortable, and stay for as long as you like. The door is open.
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3 Key Points to Manifesting Change
If your sincere desire is to improve and evolve yourself, it's important to remain aware of 3 key points of manifesting change in your life.
Bringing Light to your own Hero’s Journey
The mysteries of your Higher Purpose are guarded within your subconscious, walled off by triggers and traumas, camouflaged in the unobvious and least expected. And thus, they are kept safe - especially from you.
My Journey to Becoming a Healer
Sometimes people think that I must have always wanted to be a Healer, meditation instructor and spiritual Guide. That it came naturally or easily to me. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Healing isn’t About Feeling Good
Particularly in the West, healing has become understood as eliminating symptoms. Focusing on what’s on the surface while ignoring or minimizing the deeper underlying issues that source the symptoms. But that isn’t the reality of healing.
Choosing a Spiritual Path Wisely
There are many spiritual paths available to us that can help us to grow and evolve as eternal spiritual beings living a physical life. And there are also many spiritual paths available to us that will not.
The Meaning & Significance of Initiation
Throughout the entire history of Humankind, the role of the Initiate has remained consistent and necessary. To anchor the Light of God on Earth and to contribute their unique gifts in service to the Highest Good of All. And this includes now. Especially now.
Accessing your Superhuman Potential
You are much more than just your physical body. And when you can learn to grow your awareness of the additional layers and dimensions of your spiritual & energetic bodies, you can begin shifting into a superhuman state of being.
The Connection between Life Purpose & Healing
Healing is the key to transforming the unhealed parts of yourself into healed parts, bringing light to the darkness, and eliminating the shadows that hide the bigger picture of your life’s purpose.
Illuminating the Mysteries Within
Just as there are depths to the ocean and farthest reaches of the cosmos beyond our comprehension, these same uncharted frontiers exist within you. And there will come a time they will call to you to explore them.
Illuminating the Map to your Life’s Journey
In life, we are bound to reach crossroads where our old life comes to an end in order for us to be reborn into our new life. This happens many times throughout our life's journey - it is the Cycle of Life!
Unlocking the Door to True Empowerment
Are you seeking tools to eliminate your ego, gain control of your mind, and exponentially amplify the Light you can shine into the world? If so, then you're seeking The Empower Thyself Initiation Class.