Healing isn’t About Feeling Good

Branches of a tree catching the sunlight

A common belief is that healing should be about feeling good.  Who wouldn’t want that, right? However, spoiler alert, the purpose of healing isn’t about feeling good or even feeling better. The purpose of healing is growth into your unfulfilled potential.

Particularly in the West, healing has become understood as reducing and managing symptoms. Focusing on what’s on the surface while ignoring or minimizing the deeper underlying issues, beliefs, and traumas that source the symptoms. And it’s created a collective belief that equates healing with quick fixes like popping a pill, covering it with a bandage, numbing the pain away. These are the standards of healing that many abide by:

If it feels good and makes me comfortable, then it must be good for me.

If it doesn’t feel good and makes me uncomfortable, then it must be bad for me.

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

That was my story for nearly 40 years. Hindsight 20/20, no wonder things didn’t change! This belief, or formula, for healing inhibits growth, transformation, and personal empowerment. The foundation of this mindset is built upon avoiding discomfort, strengthening limits and moving away from fulfilling my potential. And so it naturally followed that my experience and quality of life could not, and would not, change until my definition of healing changed as well.

This is my definition of healing today:

  • the journey of outgrowing one’s old self and shedding it to reveal one’s new self

  • increasing discernment to actively disrupt negative patterns of suffering & stagnation to replace them with positive patterns of joy & passion

  • challenging one’s comfort zone in order to access unprecedented growth, healing and life purpose

  • illuminating the subconscious in order to increase one’s level of consciousness and self-awareness

  • accepting responsibility to identify and eliminate triggers, core issues and self-limiting beliefs

Based upon this definition, it’s perhaps more clear that healing isn’t about feeling good or feeling comfortable (though it may help us feel that way in the long run).

Healing doesn’t always make us feel better in the moment. It can lead directly to uncertainty and discomfort, and it can actively push us away from the security and stability of the life we once knew.  The inner work of healing involves a breaking down of the old in order to free that potential energy up to create the new and to bravely stretch into the shadowy frontiers of one's dis-comfort zone, and therefore, one’s unfulfilled potential.

So it’s easy to see where this process can be perceived or interpreted as the opposite of healing.  But that is the illusion.

For this is precisely the alchemy of healing. Sacrificing patterns and beliefs that once felt safe, but limited us, in exchange for new patterns and beliefs that challenge and support us to form a new foundation for us to grow and transcend. Like the Phoenix, from death to rebirth and back again. From darkness emerges the Light. And so, the process and journey of healing is necessarily filled with hills and valleys, ups and downs, light and dark, joy and pain… there's no way to minimize or eliminate one without also minimizing and eliminating the other. And especially within the context of the esoteric healing modalities, classes, and services I offer you from the lineage of King Salomon, all of it is based firmly in that alchemy of creating a new order that is more aligned with your unique purpose, accelerating your evolution to fulfill your highest potential, and awakening the extraordinary limitlessness of your true, divine nature.

My role as a Guide and Healer is to empower, challenge and support you to dig deeper than you ever thought possible. To feel free to venture bravely beyond the blocks that have stopped you all your life. To accept the risk of shining your Light fiercely into all parts of your life so you can take clear action to live your purpose, to serve yourself and others with joy, & fulfill your mission on Earth. So know that working with me won’t perpetuate the roots of suffering, feeling stuck, nor playing it safe with your purpose.

For when you choose to update the formula of healing to mean transformation, evolution, and becoming stronger and more authentic, then the growing pains of breaking free and becoming who were born to be take on a different light.  So feel free to explore the definition I’m sharing with you. Take it for a spin and see what happens. What if there’s truth in it for you?  That healing is an alchemical journey towards fulfilling more of your potential and purpose

If you’re ready to redefine what healing is in your life in order to bring more of your full potential into the light, allow me to hold the door to a miraculous journey of growth and transformation, just as it was held for me. And the first step is the Life Activation. Contact me today.


My Journey to Becoming a Healer


Defying the Defaults of Stress & Negativity