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May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Moving from Darkness into Light
If you're facing darkness in your life and the wake up call is getting louder and louder, don't be afraid to look and listen.
3 Key Points to Manifesting Change
If your sincere desire is to improve and evolve yourself, it's important to remain aware of 3 key points of manifesting change in your life.
Keep your Focus on the Light
Goodness can be hard to find. Not because it’s hidden in darkness or because it’s lacking. But often because we've learned to more easily focus on the darkness rather than on the light.
My Journey to Becoming a Healer
Sometimes people think that I must have always wanted to be a Healer, meditation instructor and spiritual Guide. That it came naturally or easily to me. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Healing isn’t About Feeling Good
Particularly in the West, healing has become understood as eliminating symptoms. Focusing on what’s on the surface while ignoring or minimizing the deeper underlying issues that source the symptoms. But that isn’t the reality of healing.
September 2023: A Time for Transformation!
In the month of September in the year 2023, there are multiple positive influences from the Universe that are working together to serve Humanity in manifesting BIG shift.
Unlocking your Full Divine Potential
Who you were born to be, what you came here to do, and how you will overcome the odds to make it so - It's all in there within you. But there has to be a external catalyst that sets the DNA in motion - from inert and inactive to alive and unfolding. From mere potential to lived potential!
The Journey of Living your Full Potential
Just one of the things that I'm extremely grateful for from my continued studies and training within the Modern Mystery School is how I'm constantly stretched towards not only realizing, but LIVING, my full potential.
Paying Forward the Wisdom of Light
In life, we will all travel down dark roads. Some roads will last hours, some days, and other years and even decades. But they don't last forever. That's something we can learn from those trials and tribulations if we allow ourselves: That the darkness will always give way to the light.
The Inside Job of Changing the World
When we desire change in our world, it's easy to get confused and believe we need to start outside of us. But the key to changing our world isn’t out there: It’s within.
Embracing the Challenges of Healing
The mindset that healing is meant to be convenient creates a logical justification that it's okay to put off our own healing because we need to wait for the "right time," wait until we feel "ready," and wait for everything to line up perfectly as a sign from the Universe. But that is an illusion.
5 Steps to Strengthen your Meditation Practice
It’s all about foundation. For when you’re masterful with the basics, you are much more likely to be masterful with advanced teachings and techniques. Your practice of meditation is no exception.
Unlocking a New Level of Learning
Being a student and apprentice within the Modern Mystery School is unlike any other education I've ever experienced. Frankly, it's the schooling and paradigm of learning I wish I could have had when I was a child.
4 Tips for Cultivating an Abundance Mindset
How do you access more of an abundance mindset? Especially now as inflation and skyrocketing prices are triggering shockwaves of anxiety, worries, and patterns of lack throughout the collective, this is an important question.
The Importance of Stillness
If you're seeking healing, transformation, clarity on your life’s purpose, or the power to overcome life's obstacles and challenges, I encourage you to practice stillness. And through your stillness, opening doors to a quality of life you never knew was possible!
Awakening your Higher Self
Now is the time of new beginnings. Time to zoom out and gain a higher perspective to see what’s possible in your life. But too often we overcomplicate this process and get stuck in our heads attempting to be perfect and not make the “wrong decision.” But the solution is much simpler than we think.
My Experience Ascending the Tree of Life
My experience ascending the Tree of Life through Universal Kabbalah completely transformed my life, inside and out. To articulate in words the magnitude of how much change occurred in such a short time…how could I do that? But I feel called to try. So please enjoy this brief glimpse into my unique, miraculous experience of becoming, and learning to live, as my whole, authentic Self.
The Revelation of Rebirth
It’s been 1 week since my return from Brazil and I’m still in awe of my experience. Words simply can’t do justice to the revelatory nature of everything that happened, but I’ll do my best so I can share my joy with you!
The Value of Struggle
Struggling isn’t bad. There is a time and place for struggling. In fact, struggling and being challenged often provide the perfect conditions for us to reach our next level of personal growth and learn some of life’s most valuable lessons. So why do we go to such great lengths to avoid it?
Celebrating the Beauty of Growth
Recently we passed what is known as Lammas or Lughnasadh, a traditional Celtic/Gaelic holiday festival on August 1 celebrating the fruits of Summer, the beginning of harvest season, and accessing & honoring the abundance and flow from within!