The Journey of Living your Full Potential
Just one of the things that I'm extremely grateful for from my continued studies and training within the Modern Mystery School is how I'm constantly stretched towards not only realizing, but LIVING, my full potential. And to not just experience it in flashes. But to live it, breathe it, embody, and most importantly, to know that I have the opportunity to choose it every day.
As a most recent example, I just completed a 15 month advanced Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension Journey over Easter weekend in Connecticut. And since then, I am strangely without feeling doubt or shame, without second-guessing myself, and without constantly replaying my interactions with others long after they've happened looking for mistakes and shortcomings. And not just managing these things and doing what I can to keep them in check, like before. But not having to even think about them or direct hardly any energy towards containing them, period, because they are simply not there like they used to be.
And having lived with those things daily for 44 years of my life, if you'd told me that there could even be a single waking hour, let alone a single day, that I wouldn't have to experience those things I wouldn't have believed you. Because I had no frame of reference for my life being any other way. But here I am, 2 weeks later, actually living this as my new foundation for my new reality. Experiencing a whole new reference point of what IS possible.
And not that there wasn't a lot of work in those 15 months. Quite the contrary! There was a LOT of work.
And if I’m completely honest, there were several points along the way where I nearly gave in and quit the program because of how far and how intensely I was stretching and expanding - further than I've ever stretched or dared to expand before.
I was in uncharted territory more often than not on the journey, and the amount of hope, faith, and self-love that I had to call upon as I shed mask after mask and deleted story after story and broke down wall after wall was unprecedented. I found myself frequently asking myself:
“Can I really do this?”
“Can I keep going?”
“Do I want to keep going?”
And while the answers didn’t always come easily, they always came. And spoiler alert, even when I was filled to the brim with doubt and fear, there was a constant guiding force lighting my way and helping me to pick myself up every time I faltered and fell. Every time. And through this experience, I got to learn even deeper truths of what it means to trust, to have hope, to cultivate faith, and to invoke the power of love.
So I look back now, on all my struggles and sacrifices and all my doubts and fears that threatened to capsize me, and I am... Grateful.
Deeply grateful that I got to push myself in such a way where there was no hiding from myself. Grateful for all the challenges and inner shadows that I got to both face and overcome. Grateful for the new strength, wisdom, and baseline for living that were revealed through me actually putting in the work (and not just doing enough to get by). Grateful to be free of the doubts, the shame, the second-guessing, and my habit of slipping away from the current moment. Grateful to LIVE life and SERVE my purpose on a whole new, more fulfilling way from a new, much higher perspective.
And I share this testimony of my experience with you because I want you to know that it's possible.
What I'm sharing with you is real.
And if it can happen for me, then it can happen for you, so long as you want it and are ready to put in the work to evolve yourself and to walk a tried and true path of spiritual transformation and enlightenment.
If you don't believe me, that’s totally fine, as I have no expectation of that. All I ask if for you to simply consider it and remain open to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this kind of miracle can happen for you. That maybe, just maybe, the path of Initiation through the Modern Mystery School can change your life for good in ways you can't even imagine right now. That maybe what you’re reading here isn’t too good to be true.
Because it can.
And the first steps towards unlocking that new reality are the Life Activation and the Empower Thyself Initiation. Both of which in turn will unlock so many more realities, possibilities, and opportunities for you to grow and transform in ways you never dreamt possible. Will it always be smooth sailing? No, but you will always find calmer waters if you see the storms through. And this path offers you all the tools you could ever want or need to do that.
Perhaps this is the door you've been waiting for all this time. It’s time to see what’s on the other side.