Full Moon + Eclipse May 2023

Full Moon Eclipse

With the coincidence of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on May 5th, it's pretty clear that the celestial and cosmic forces are conspiring to set you free.

Free from the constraints that convince you to second-guess and sell yourself short.

Free from the incessant self-talk that justifies self-sabotage and denies access to self-worth and self-love.

Free from the stories that keep old wounds fresh and bitterness, grudges, and suffering alive and well.

Free from the attachment to distractions that masquerade as living your life to the fullest.

Free from the inner dogma that keeps your mind rigid and combustive towards new perspectives.

Free from the confusion and indecision that makes moving forward feel like a burden.

Do you want to be free from any or all of these? Then allow the celestial and cosmic forces to help you make it so and ride the wave. Allow the changes to flow without getting in the way and trying to control so much. Schedule time for healing, self-care, and surrendering to others helping and caring for you. And give yourself permission to TRUST.

Trust yourself. Trust others. Trust God. And Trust your life's journey as it unfolds.

As a Guide and Healer of the Modern Mystery School, my mission is to empower you with new tools, new perspectives, and new wisdom that will serve your freedom to be your true self and live your true purpose. So if you’re ready to receive guidance and help to reach the next level of living your life for good, then contact me today.


The Journey of Living your Full Potential


Blessed May Day 2023