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May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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May 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius
With each day of this May Full Moon Week, seize the opportunity to grow not only in your awareness of the lunar energies at work, but also your freedom to act upon them consciously with intention.
April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio
The recent Eclipses have set in motion a 6 month journey. A journey towards understanding the true value of being honest, authentic and in integrity with yourself.
Full Moon Eclipse, March 2024
The energies of this Full Moon Eclipse in Libra may be especially hard to ignore right now. Here are 3 themes you may be noticing in your life…
Blue Super Moon in Pisces, August 2023
Permit the energies of this powerful and rare Blue Super Moon to help cleanse the subconscious and unlock deeper opportunities to heal and progress.
Full Moon + Eclipse May 2023
With the coincidence of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on May 5th, it's pretty clear that the celestial and cosmic forces are conspiring to set you free. So go along with the conspiracy!
April Full Moon 2023
Did this one sneak up on you, too? I know it did for me. But Luna doesn't lie, so here we are at yet another opportunity to tie up loose ends so we can pass through a portal into new beginnings and horizons!
Total Lunar Eclipse, November 2022
This morning was the last total Lunar Eclipse until 2025. And with it comes the energy of big-time transformation. Some won't feel a thing. But for many, the experience of these shifting, purifying, and refining energies will be intense to say the least. Here are 3 tips that are working for me to avoid getting swept away.
October Full Moon 2022
In order to break free from the realm of what you know to be possible, you have to explore the realm of impossibility. Here are simple and powerful questions that can help you do that.
Libra Full Moon: Illuminating the Journey to Center
We’ve arrived at the April Full Moon in Libra, aka the Pink Moon. And the opportunity to transform and be reborn sets us on a path towards Center and restoring Balance in our lives!
2022 Spring Equinox + Full Moon Convergence
We've arrived at an exciting weekend where we get to experience both the Full Moon in Virgo and the Spring Equinox! And with this convergence, opening the door to passionate new beginnings and rapid new growth!
February Full Moon in Leo
Today is the Full Moon, and with it the opportunity to shine a brighter light on your path ahead. Here are some questions to ponder and reflect upon to serve you in living life more fully alive and illuminating more of your life’s true purpose.
November Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse
Today is the peak of the Full Moon and in the wee hours of the morning, we experienced an extraordinary partial lunar eclipse - the longest one in almost 600 years! What does all this mean?
October Full Moon in Aries
The October Full Moon offers us the opportunity to illuminate the wars we wage within and to make new brave choices to stop fighting against joy, love, and peace in our lives.
The August 2021 Full Moon
Building off the energies of the last New Moon in Leo, this Full Moon in Aquarius is ready to fuel you with an abundance of self-belief and self-confidence to take your life higher. To go BIG. To take a leap of faith. To slay doubt, fear, and self-sabotage so you can rise to the next level.
The April Pink Supermoon
There's always something extraordinary to look out for with each Full Moon, as it presents the opportunity to pass through a door of expansion, rebirth, and transformation. And while all of that is still true, the energies and influence of this particular Supermoon may challenge and test you in surprising, unexpected ways!
Cultivating Higher Consciousness
The 3rd Full Moon of 2021 brings new opportunities to shine Light on what’s always stopped you and to flip the script. If you’re ready to stop living life on autopilot so you can live more fully, and more powerfully, from the present moment, Now is the perfect time!
Dream Big on this Full Moon
The 2nd Full Moon of 2021 sets us up to face challenges and difficulties. And the key to rising above will be something you already have don’t use as much as you probably could. And that’s your imagination.