February Full Moon in Leo
Today is the Full Moon, and with it the opportunity to shine a brighter light on your path ahead. So here are some questions to ponder and reflect upon:
What do you desire?
What changes are you ready to place front and center in your life?
In what ways will you dare to claim the spotlight and step into the leading role of your life's movie?
How will you bring more Joy and Passion into your daily life?
I invite you to take these questions into meditation. They can be one at a time, two of them, all of them…whatever you like. And take your time with each question. Relieve yourself of having to know the answers and be right. Find stillness, be curious, and hold space for the answers to come to you like fireflies rising from the grass at dusk. For the answers are already there within you.
All they need is more Light focused upon them and a sincere desire to let go of what prevents you from seeing and remembering.
If you feel called to take your spiritual journey and/or Service to the Light to the next level, please read about the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation Class and what they can do for you. The Full Moon is a powerful time for healing, transforming, and revealing more of the You were born to be. The Full Moon is also a perfect time for expansion, so reaching out and seeking guidance is an especially good choice right now.
May this Full Moon in Leo illuminate unprecedented inspiration to live your life more fully alive. Have courage, have faith, and have strength to continue forward on the path leading to your Greatness. And when the going gets tough, which it will, remember that you’re not alone. You have the blood of ancestors who have overcome and risen above pumping in your veins. And your overcoming and ascension will contribute to that legacy, filling the hearts of the generations that proceed you. And then there’s me. It is my mission and my honor to Serve those finding their way Home as a torchbearer. As a wisdom-keeper. As the one who unlocks the door. As a Brother on this journey. Know that I’m here for you. All of us or None of us.