October Full Moon in Aries


Today is the peak of the Full Moon in Aries. As with every Full Moon, emotional energies can bubble up to the surface, deep inner work from the subconscious can come to light, and there can be a “lunacy” that we observe both in ourselves and in the world around us as what was hidden is revealed and what was repressed can now be expressed - this is a consistent theme when we enter each Full Moon week.

However, not all Full Moons are the same in how this theme manifests. Each has its own “mission” for us that we can choose to accept. So what makes the energy and lessons of this Full Moon unique? With the influence of Aries, conflict can be highlighted. Naturally, this can include conflict in the form of arguments, disagreements, backstabbing, and fighting with others - what we may expect. But there are more layers to “conflict" than meets the eye.

Conflict can be defined as a clash or struggle between opposing forces. And while this is most easily observed and recognized externally, the most important lessons of this Full Moon may rise up from within: the inner war we wage with ourselves and what we must heal to further inner peace, unity, and balance. We are entering into a New Paradigm of Divine Union and completely new way of being here in the world. You can think of it as a recalibration or rewiring of Humanity. Thus, the templates, structures, and narratives of the old paradigm are no longer valid. We can try to reinstate them all we want, shuffling through all the ways in which we’ve addressed the conflict before and wiggling the keys in the lock. But they won’t work to unlock the level of inner peace and balance we need in our world right now.


We must detach from the old paradigm of who we were and the world we used to live in and be more present than ever with ourselves and all the new possibilities of the world we can live in that are coming to light in order to find a new balance and a new understanding of how to create lasting peace within. And a friendly reminder that this is not work we can do for others. Encourage, empower, lead by example - yes. But to force our views upon others to try and change them, no matter how good we believe our intentions to be - no. We must each come to it on our own by doing our own inner work of our own free will.

  • So where do you experience conflict with yourself?

  • When do you experiencing clashing between your heart and your mind?

  • In what instances do you struggle with expressing yourself, being authentic, and forming healthy boundaries to which you can hold yourself accountable?

  • When do you become aware of conflict between what you know to be true and what you’ve been taught is true?

These questions can be illuminating when applied to what’s stressing you and creating conflict in your world right now.

To share a personal example, I’m experiencing a pressure to work more and do more to be productive while simultaneously experiencing a desire to work less, do less, and choose more restful, reflective activities. There’s a conflict between having to choose one or the other rather than choosing both and a frustration with the mundane minutiae of living in the physical world. For me, that's a red flag that my previous definitions of “balance” and “productivity" are no longer serving me - I’ve outgrown them. They're no longer stable pieces of my foundation upon which I can stand securely nor build upon. So it’s now on me to release my attachment to those definitions so I can discover new ones that I can stand firmly upon. A new balance along with new choices that will serve me to feel at peace with both my creativity and energetic output as well as my self-care and energetic input and to recognize the value of both so I may continue growing and expanding…

During the Full Moon we have a greater opportunity to increase our self-awareness, which make the days surrounding a Full Moon especially powerful for healing work - both giving and receiving. And particularly with this Full Moon happening now, to grow our awareness of where we’re out of balance, out of integrity, and in active conflict with joy and happiness in our lives. A key to changing anything is to first become aware of it, for you cannot change or influence what you are unaware of, right? So from awareness, then gaining the power to choose differently and for different reasons, and relieving yourself of living life on auto-pilot. And through healing the conflict within and doing your own inner work to uproot the thought patterns, programs, and habits that lead you away from joy, balance, peace, and flow, doing a great service to the collective, opening the door a little wider for joy, balance, peace, and flow to become a reality for ALL of us.

Your mission from this Full Moon in Aries is to resolve the wars you wage within and to build a new foundation that fosters inner peace, unity, and balance: To unlimit your growth. The question is: Do you choose to accept it?


A Reminder


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