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May what you find here be valuable to you and elevate not only your consciousess and state of being, but also your quality of life. Helping you find missing pieces. Helping you to get outside the box. Helping you to know that you’re not alone.
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Embracing the Changing of Life’s Seasons
When we come to an end of a season in our life, it’s natural for us to experience a mix of emotions as we wonder, “What now?” And that is the purpose of being in between: To answer that question from within.
Full Moon Eclipse, March 2024
The energies of this Full Moon Eclipse in Libra may be especially hard to ignore right now. Here are 3 themes you may be noticing in your life…
October Full Moon in Aries
The October Full Moon offers us the opportunity to illuminate the wars we wage within and to make new brave choices to stop fighting against joy, love, and peace in our lives.
Learning to Control Your Mind
It is difficult to control the mind and our thoughts. It's easier, and more popular, to believe that we don't have that power or authority. But the truth is, we do. And this power can be used for the Good of All.
The April Pink Supermoon
There's always something extraordinary to look out for with each Full Moon, as it presents the opportunity to pass through a door of expansion, rebirth, and transformation. And while all of that is still true, the energies and influence of this particular Supermoon may challenge and test you in surprising, unexpected ways!
Embracing the Gift of Time
It’s been nearly a year since the pandemic became a reality. And while it brought so much of life to a screeching halt, what did it set in motion? What has changed? What has healed? What has this time made possible in your life?
Choosing Change in the New Year
In the New Year, you will have an amazing opportunity to make new choices. To stop stopping yourself. To stop sabotaging your progression. And to start getting outside of the box so you can discover more of the greatness of who you truly are.