Unlocking your Full Divine Potential

Life Activation Wand

Your DNA is the key to unlocking your full Divine potential.

Who you were born to be, what you came here to do, and how you will overcome the odds to make it so. It's all there within you. But there has to be a external catalyst that sets the DNA in motion - from inert and inactive to alive and unfolding.

For your full potential and the full achievement of that potential are two completely different things.

Like an acorn bursting forth from itself to anchor its first root in the Earth and send up its first leaf towards the Sun and the Sky, there is a journey of unbecoming the acorn and becoming the Oak. And so it is with us. The Life Activation is an ancient key of empowerment from the Lineage of King Salomon that activates your DNA and sets in motion the full awakening of your true self, your life's higher purpose, and the latent wisdom and gifts that will aid you all along the way. Offering a whole new clarity to your life, what your full potential actually looks like in motion, and why your life truly matters.

Set your appointment for your Life Activation with me today. And begin your own unique journey of becoming.


Illuminating the Map to your Life’s Journey


The Journey of Living your Full Potential