Celebrating the Beauty of Growth


We recently passed Lammas or Lughnasadh, a traditional Celtic holiday marked on August 1 celebrating the fruits of Summer and the beginning of harvest season. 

If you're like me, you may be wondering where the Summer went - it can't almost be over, can it? 

But it is, and so now we can seize the opportunity to reflect on the bounty of Summer - a powerful time of expansion in both the spiritual and physical worlds - and giving thanks for the abundance of the Light season.

Feel free to reflect upon these questions and journal about them:

  • What have you cultivated in your life over the past 3 months?

  • How have the seeds of new intentions, new beginnings, and new possibilities grown and prospered?

  • What steps and leaps have you taken that you can now acknowledge and celebrate?


Too often, we speed through this part. 

To use the farming analogy, we plant and we plant and we plant, but we don't balance that action with the stillness within which to have awe at the beauty of growth itself.  And in efforts to stay busy, productive, and on top of all of our obligations and expectations, we don't enjoy the harvest.  We may not even see the growth all the way through in our desire for quick gratification, and so we move on to the next project before the fruits have had time to mature and ripen. And so we miss out on the sacred beauty of growth that is all around us and within us, hiding in plain sight amidst the frenzy and confusion.


So how do we attune to that beauty and that wonder?

To start, seeking balance and creating new boundaries within ourselves.  Balance between the quickness and the slowness.  The passion and the patience.  The energy expended outwardly and the energy invested inwardly.  And reinforcing the boundary that affirms our own worth, value, and potential to keep growing and progressing.

And another step you can take is to bring your focus to the pure emotions that expand, rather than contract.

When you seek joy, gratitude, the passion of creativity, the energy is liberating, expansive, and light. And in contrast, when you focus on fear, anxiety, and self-judgment, the energy is constrictive, burdensome, and heavy. The more you choose to focus on expansive emotions, the more beauty, wonder, and magick you’ll perceive in yourself, in others, and in the world around you. And the more you choose to focus on them, the stronger the positive emotions, and their benefits, will become!

So as Summer begins waning and daylight retreats, take stock of all that you have grown in your life and how you, yourself, have grown and transformed.  Highlight the progress and steps taken towards your goals, remembering that the journey is more important than the destination.  And celebrate by harvesting and giving thanks for all the beautiful fruits in your life, breaking bread in gratitude with yourself, ancestors, and loved ones, and passionately soaking in the light and warmth now to prepare for the eminent arrival of Fall and Winter.


Are you seeking support in finding balance, focusing on pure, positive emotions, and overcoming negative self-talk and dense energies that make it difficult to progress and grow? Reach out and ask me about Energy Clearing, Life Activation, and Max Meditation System™ - three powerful services that can serve you to break through to the abundant beauty and power within you!


The 8/8 New Moon


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