Embracing the Challenges of Healing
The mindset that healing is supposed to be convenient or that it's somehow meant to fit into the fabric of our current lives creates a logical justification that it's okay to put off our own healing because we need to wait for the "right time," wait until we feel "ready," and wait for everything to line up perfectly as a green light from the Universe. Ever done that?
I have. And I know my clients have. And it’s an illusion. Because in every case I’ve witnessed, putting our healing on the backburner and waiting for it to be convenient, waiting for the timing to fit into our schedule, and waiting to embark upon the journey of healing when it becomes easier has never lessened our suffering. In truth, it has only increased it and embedded its consequences even more deeply into our physical body, energy field, and psyche.
Because healing isn't meant to be convenient.
Read that again.
Healing is a journey that's meant to lead you towards growth, transformation, and expansion - not away from it. Rather than reinforcing what you already think and know about yourself and how the world works, healing leads you on a path less traveled towards the uncharted territory of what you haven't thought of and what you don't know about yourself and life. And healing is a catalyst for evolution, freeing you from the anchors of the past so you can use the present as a springboard for leaping forward into your future and becoming the individual you were born to be.
Imagine the butterfly ripping itself out of its the chrysalis, the seed bursting apart as it sprouts, or the lizard wrestling with itself in order to shed its old skin.
True healing, while joyful and beautiful in its fruits, is a process that is disruptive, destabilizing, and often messy by nature. We must sacrifice who we were in order to become who we are. And the more we resist that truth, the more we resist manifesting our own destiny, knowing who we truly are, and fulfilling our life's purpose.
And to be transparent, from my own experience and in witnessing the healing journeys of my clients, the greatest healing and transformation is frequently preceded by the greatest resistance and challenge. As one of my mentors says, “The greater the resistance, the greater the magick!” The magnitude of what you have to put in matches the magnitude of what you get out. So if it's hard, difficult, or testing your limits, that's not necessarily a sign that it's not meant to be.
On the contrary, it can be a clear and good sign that it is!
For healing will require you to overcome.
Healing will require you to see through the illusion that healing should be easy or convenient.
Healing will require you to accept greater responsibility for the direction, quality, and impact of your life.
Healing will test and challenge you so you can gain the strength, courage, and wisdom to see your own transformation through.
Because from my perspective, none of us can ever be truly ready for healing and know what to expect. I’ve had many clients who want to know what will happen first before they schedule a session or place their deposit for Empower Thyself. But that's like reading ahead first to know how the story ends before deciding whether or not to read the story. Healing beyond being inconvenient, is also usually uncertain and unpredictable, and so it will demand great deal of faith as we embark upon the journey without knowing exactly where it will lead us or who we will become as a result. And here’s the truth: Even if I knew what would happen and could explain to you in detail the metamorphosis you would experience and how it would impact your life for good and all the doors of possibility and potential it would open, you wouldn’t be able to understand. Like the stories where future self tries to explain to past self what’s going to happen - it doesn’t compute! Because it’s from beyond your current realm of possibility and comprehension. And so true healing serves to expand that realm and offers you the gift of discovering for yourself who and what you don’t know you can be yet.
And my role as your healing practitioner and Guide is to serve you, support you. and empower you to continue forging onwards through the highs and lows of your healing journey into uncharted territory. To extend my hand when you’re feeling tired, to encourage you to stay on track when you most want to give up, and to inspire you to keep progressing when you want to turn back. Because I’ve been there, at all of those points. And just as someone was there for me who had walked the path just a little bit further to help me find my way, I now pay it forward and am there, just a little further up the path, holding the door and holding the lantern, for those who are seeking as I once was. For it is through the process of seeking to heal and surrendering yourself to all challenges, twists & turns, and obstacles that come with experiencing your own growth & transformation firsthand that you are readied and strengthened for accepting responsibility for receiving the benefits of your healing and becoming the you you were destined to be. The way is through!
So stop waiting for healing to be convenient or easy. Stop backlogging your self-care by minimizing and sacrificing your desire to grow, transform, and become more whole. And stop placing the responsibility for your own healing, and whether you get to heal or not, in others' hands. Because the opportunity to heal is one to be seized in the moment by you.
So seize the opportunity and break free from the illusion that healing is supposed to be convenient. Accept responsibility for your own healing and the journey of overcoming that you GET to experience. Allow yourself to reap the rewards of challenging yourself to grow and transform. And CHOOSE to make now the best time for your healing and self-care.