The Importance of Stillness

Woman with blonde hair being mindful in the desert

I used to wonder why meditation was so important. When I first started, it felt like I was doing nothing, and so I judged it as a waste of time where I could be doing something more productive. Thus, I justified avoiding stillness as a “better,” more worthwhile option.

Needless to say, I was incorrect.

Because the truth I've discovered is that there is so much that gets done when I am still.

When my body is still, when my mind is still, when I am still in my being, a lot is happening! For being still doesn't mean doing nothing. Rather, for me, it means doing things from clarity, from calmness, and from a higher perspective that can see a bigger picture. Being mindful of what I am choosing as opposed to mindlessly going through the motions on autopilot. Which often means doing less in a wonderful way, because it's less of the things that do not serve me and don't support my purpose. Quality over quantity, leading to less regrets and frustration & more fulfillment and gratitude.

For when I am still, clear, and calm in my energy, I bring stillness, clarity, and calmness to my experience of my world.

Jonathan Itchon walking through a forest admiring the beauty of Nature

And in that stillness and from my center, greater healing becomes possible and greater ease to overcome becomes available. Why?

Because I’m directing my energy more wisely into the things that matter and support who I know myself to be rather than scattering my energy into things that don’t matter and support the illusion, or shadows, of who I am. And the energy that would have been otherwise squandered or neglected can now be flowed towards my inner work and my healing journey. So if you're seeking healing, transformation, clarity on your life’s purpose, or seeking the power to overcome life's obstacles and challenges, I encourage you to practice meditation. To rewire yourself to embrace stillness as opposed to avoiding it. And through your stillness, opening doors to a quality of life you never knew was possible.

Feel free to learn from my mistakes. :)

For opportunities to meditate with me online or in person, message me for more details.

You already have the keys. Allow me to guide you on how you can use them.


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