4 Tips for Cultivating an Abundance Mindset

How do you access more of an abundance mindset? Especially now as inflation and skyrocketing prices are triggering shockwaves of anxiety, worries, and patterns of lack throughout the collective, this is an important question.

From my own experience and through my training and studies through the Modern Mystery School in Healing, Self Mastery, and Hermetics, it's key to become aware of your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. Perhaps that seems like a lot to keep track of, but don’t worry - with today’s tips I'll keep it simple, just like I do for myself. So if you're seeking to increase positive flow and growth in your life, continue reading for practical strategies for building awareness of your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions that can empower you to cultivate an abundance mindset in your life, too.

And as always, don’t just take my word for it and don’t believe me. Apply these tips. Try them out for yourself and have your own experience. And see if believe for yourself.

Man with curly black hair and moustache deep in thought


First off, abundance is not something you lack. Contemplate that for a few moments.

We often think that we're lacking money, support, time, food, patience, love, representation, energy, but that's an illusion. All of these things are available to you at all times. But the belief that they're not available to you, or that someone or something is depriving you of them, is what prevents you from receiving the desired abundance and allowing it to flow more freely in your life.

Because let's be honest, the abundance you may be manifesting may not be the abundance you actually desire.

As I often remind myself, what is focused upon grows. So the more your thoughts are focused on lack, poverty, or deprivation, the more that will grow. So if you wish to access more abundance in your life, whether it be time, energy, friendship, purpose, money, etc., you must commit to focusing more of your thoughts on gratitude for what you do have, the lessons you're learning through overcoming life's challenges, and the endless opportunities you're blessed with to grow and gain wisdom. When you focus your thoughts more upon life's daily blessings and you become aware of just how blessed you are right now, you create more space for all of that to grow, and keep growing, in your life.

Young woman with tattoos feeling overwhelmed with emotions


From my own experience, both with myself and working with my clients, this one is especially important. Anxiety and Lack go hand in hand. They're a package deal!

So the more you allow yourself to worry and fear the uncertainty of the future, the more you feed the lack mindset. And while we all experience anxiety and worry from time to time, it's when we attach to those emotions for prolonged periods and identify with those emotional states as "just the way I am" or "just the way my life is" - that is how we create a toxic environment that prohibits abundance from growing. So if you desire to access more abundance and flow, you must find ways to prevent anxiety and worry from taking root and feeding off your energy. And for me, the best way I've found to counter anxiety and stress is to stop them before they even start through prioritizing my self-care. When I'm meditating every morning, doing my daily rituals, feeding myself properly, spending time in nature, exercising, connecting with myself and others, and making time to laugh and smile, anxiety doesn't stand a chance. Why? Because I've provided for my needs physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Not after everyone else is good, but beforehand, so my overflowing cup can pour off onto others without depleting me.

So give yourself permission to stop sabotaging your self-care. When you're centered and grounded as a whole, emotions can last minutes, instead of hours or even days, and you'll get to direct that energy towards constructively towards growing more joy and more abundance for yourself, which then means more joy and abundance to share with others! Win, win, WIN.

Young man holding a mic sharing powerful story with his audience


My dear late friend and client, Rainbow, shared a great tip about tuning your words to the frequency of abundance.

Although she and her husband were quite well off when I met them, she shared that it wasn't always that way, especially when they were newly married. So although they didn't have much and were living paycheck to paycheck then, every single time they needed to spend money, especially unexpected expenses, they would both look at each other and say, "Damn - Good thing we're rich!"
And over time, that became true!

Was it just saying the words for the sake of saying them? Perhaps it did start off as comic relief to soften the anxiety and worry. But the more they said it, entraining themselves to associate spending money with a declaration that they have more than enough, the more it manifested as a new reality.

So before you say out loud, "I don't have enough money" "I don't have enough time" "No one cares about me" "I'll always get the short end of the stick" "I hate my life" ....press pause. Is that the reality you want? Which would you rather access: Abundance or Lack? How about, "Damn - Good thing I'm rich!" "I have all the time I need." "I am blessed with so many who care, and have cared, for me." "I've overcome challenges in the past and I will do it again now." "My life is a gift, and I will use it as such." Your words have power, so use them responsibly and they will serve you to live with more flow, more blessing, and all the abundance you need to live your life's purpose.

Beautiful young woman with short black curly hair honoring Nature in deep reverence


Manifesting your thoughts and ideas requires action.

Sometimes we want to believe that through doing nothing, something will happen. Sometimes we want things handed to us without having to do so much work. But similar to baking a cake without putting it in the oven, this isn’t the case! When we can consistently align our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions with abundance, flow happens naturally and easily. It’s about preparing ourselves to be a vessel for the unmanifested spiritual light to become manifest in the physical world, which requires our commitment and discipline towards eliminating negativity and the distractions of our egos that do not serve your Highest Good.

So when it comes to actions you can choose to cultivate an abundance mindset and energy, here’s a question for you: Do you automatically seek out the cheapest option? When you're in the grocery, when you're driving and looking at gas prices, when you're shopping online, or hiring a professional to share their expertise, avoid making price the main criteria. Consider all your options and your freedom to have whichever one is the best one, or ones, to fulfill your need or desire. While the least costly option could in fact be the right choice, when we limit our options based on cost or take actions that affirm lack and poverty, we 1) limit possibility and 2) affirm and strengthen our belief in what we can't have. Remain open for the flow to move through you instead of constricting your vessel and you may be surprised at how it favorably impacts your thoughts, emotions, words, and future actions towards building a sure foundation for abundance to grow and thrive!

Take these tips for a spin. Allow yourself to reflect upon them and apply them diligently in your life. And see what happens. See what grows. And see what begins to fade away. For in cultivating and strengthening your Abundance Mindset, you must also be willing to allow your Lack Mindset to wither and die.

And as always, please don’t believe me. Have your own experience and find out for yourself. And if you’re seeking to take these tips to a much deeper level, I invite you to experience the Empower Thyself Initiation Class. For to be aligned consistently from day to day with your Highest Good in Thought, Emotion, Word, and Deed is no small feat. But it is possible, and from my own experience, I would say it’s how we’re meant to operate and live if we can only let go of the conditioning and programming that compels us to play small and keep giving away our power. It’s a key aspect to living a life of thriving! And that is what the Empower Thyself Class is all about: Imparting the ancient wisdom and tools to thrive and live your purpose with freedom, joy, and impact.


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