Awakening your Higher Self
Now is the time of new beginnings. Time to zoom 0ut and gain a higher perspective to know what’s possible on our path through life. But too often we overcomplicate this process and get stuck in our heads attempting to be perfect and not make the “wrong decision.” But the solution is much simpler than we think.
If there's something from your past that you no longer desire to carry forward, let it go.
If there's a new direction you've always wanted to explore, shift your focus and change gears.
If you long to be more of who you truly are, then commit to knowing more of who that it is.
If you’re ready to begin a new chapter, turn the page.
It’s easy to forget that it can be that simple. That by opening the door for something to change and sacrificing your attachment to your beliefs that it will “always be this way” and “ things will never change,” that it will. It actually can’t help but change and transform so long as you keep the door of possibility open! And that’s no random stroke of luck or chance…you will have done that. With your power, your will, and your courage. You desired it and sparked the change from within. For many, that realization can be scary, because it implies that our lives are squarely in our own hands. And so they shy away from this responsibility, deny it, or outright refuse it.
But this is true:
Each of us is responsible for the manifestation of our lives. And in claiming that responsibility, we also give ourselves permission to have power over our own lives. To shape our path through life not according to the dreams and aspirations of others, but to shape them according to our own so that we may live life with more joy, more purpose, and more impact!
For what used to be is no longer here - you don't have to keep missing out on the present by replaying the past. And the journey to get where you want to go begins not with knowing where the path will lead but simply by choosing to take a single step from where you are. We forget that it can be that simple.
And we forget because we’re distracted by the worldly standard of overcomplicating, overthinking, and overdoing. Spinning our wheels to go nowhere fast and wasting our energy on focusing on everything except what we can actually control, which is the present moment. That right now, this moment, is all we can shift. And so we must always start from now.
It is that simple.
So what is the solution?
The solution is to wake you up.
The solution is to remind you.
The solution is to guide you to remember what you already know from deep within yourself.
Not from the level of the mind that you use every day. But reuniting you with your Higher Mind and your Higher Self. The Self that knows your purpose, your gifts, and how to navigate your path through life.
The sacred, divine part of you that never forgot.
And this is achieved through the Life Activation.
Awakening deeper awareness and hidden wisdom that comes from within you. Plugging you back in to the blueprints that hold the fullness and the greatness of who you truly and shines clarity upon your life’s true purpose. Empowering you to live your life in joy, in hope, and in the new flow of beginning to see the bigger picture of reality and how you fit into it all. Offering you newfound strength to separate from your Lower Self, your negative ego, and the patterns of overcomplicating, overthinking, and overdoing that block your from moving forward freely.
So on this auspicious intersection of the Lunar New Year, Imbolc, and National Freedom Day, I invite you to choose for you. Choose a next step with courage and excitement. And choose in service of what brings you Joy, sparks your Passion, and kindles Love in your heart. It's really difficult to go wrong if you're brave enough to keep it that simple.
Walking this path made possible through the Modern Mystery School truly changed the way I live, enjoy, and make the most of my life in ways I would never have thought possible. And it reminds me of how important it is to share it and be of Service - to offer you the Life Activation, the Empower Thyself Initiation Class, Max Meditation System, and all the ways in which I can serve you to be free - and to lead by example as a Healer, a Guide, a Teacher, and a Brother who loves you. To help you remember that you're never lost so long as you listen to and trust in the heart and mind of your Higher Self. To remind you that that IS possible.
To remind you that there’s another way.