The Meaning & Significance of Initiation
In ancient times, to be chosen to receive the physical rite of Initiation was a tremendous honor. Not only for the individual chosen, but also for their entire family, their community and their lineage.
While it entailed a great sacrifice on behalf of the Initiate, leaving behind their entire life as they knew it, it simultaneously opened the door for them to transform and be reborn to a whole new life in service to God. A rare level of service intended only for the chosen few, following in the footsteps of the great sages, mages, healers, prophets and Masters of Light who preceded them.
For as an Initiate, you become someone wholly new, both physically and spiritually.
Your growth and evolution accelerates. You ascend to higher levels of consciousness and awareness. You gain access to hidden teachings and secret wisdom preserved through the millennia. New gifts come to light to be trained and mastered. Magic replaces the mundane as the rule rather than the exception. Your eyes are opened to see through the veils that used to limit your understanding of what is real and what is possible. And you are given tools and practices to purify your mind and perception, eliminate the negative ego and sharpen your discernment in order to know God's Will and live and serve in accordance with that Will.
The rite of Initiation transforms you into an expanded vessel for God's Light, representing the domain of God, Archangels, Angels and Masters of Light here in the physical realm.
And this expanded consciousness and capacity to serve God's Will bestows greater power and authority to shine God's Light and create positive change on Earth in service to ALL.
Which, while a tremendous honor, is also a tremendous responsibility. Which is why it is necessary for the chosen individual to be transformed and empowered in order to bear this responsibility. For it is a responsibility and power that no ordinary human can bear. For in order to know God and to be able to know and create in alignment with God's Will, one must know themselves as God. Not only as a child of God, but as a God in becoming, learning to create as God creates.
And this is what the physical rite of Initiation sets in motion: Unlocking the extra-ordinary potential within you to evolve into a God-like being in the flesh.
Throughout the entire history of Humankind, the role of the Initiate has remained consistent and necessary. To anchor, through themselves, the Light of God on Earth, to contribute their unique gifts in service to the progression of Humanity and the creation of the Highest Good of All. And this includes now. Especially now.
At this pivotal time in Humanity’s evolution, as the energies shift towards a new paradigm of Union and Peace and we witness the old paradigm breaking down and resisting, more Initiates are needed to heed the calling of God and step forward to accept this responsibility. To accept the unprecedented opportunity to finally tip the scales in favor of Love, Compassion, Unity and Joy. To serve as a beacon of Hope in these challenging times as we build the new foundation for the New World. And to say YES to the Light and NO to the Darkness.
The Empower Thyself Initiation is a physical rite of Initiation preserved in the Lineage of King Solomon the Wise in the only public ancient Mystery School on the planet. And as a 3rd Step Initiate in this Lineage within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light, I have the authority, honor and privilege to guide you through this sacred Initiation process and your transformation. And to activate and carry through this fulfillment of your destiny.
So if you feel called to learn more, contact me. Request to join me for my next Empower Thyself Initiation. And follow the signs.