Remembering Who You Truly Are
My role as a Guide in the Lineage of King Salomon is to remind you that you are God. Not THE God, but rather a child of God. A child who is destined to grow up.
Through living life in this physical world, we lose touch with our true Spiritual nature. As we exit childhood, become teenagers and adults, and enter "the real world," we become fixated on the physical world, on jumping through the hoops of living a successful physical life, and accepting the blinders of limitations, fears, and all the reasons why we can't or won't. That becomes "normal." And like a sponge being wrung out, we forget.
We forget who we are. We forget what we are. We forget where we came from before birth. We forget where we're going after our body dies. We forget our purpose for coming here in the first place. We forget that we are *not* this physical body.
And my job as a Guide in the Lineage of King Salomon is to help you remember, just as someone helped me to remember. To serve you to flush out the programming, indoctrination, dogma, and self-limiting beliefs that refute your true Spiritual nature. And to restore your original blueprints so you can become who you were created to be. So you can know, and live here on Earth, as your True Self!
Are you ready to remember?
Before you answer, I'll be honest - it won't be easy and it won't be comfortable. In fact, it may be the hardest thing you ever attempt to do. For as you separate from "the real world" and awaken more and more to your true Spiritual nature, aspects of your life will crumble and other people in your life, even those closest to you, may reject, defame, and throw stones at you because your light threatens their slumber.
Are you ready to remember?
You weren't meant to sleep forever, and you know deep inside you that there has to be more to life than this. And there is. There absolutely is! But again, waking up will require commitment, discipline, and courage and is not for the faint of heart. For there will be no shortage of temptations to go back to sleep and forget again.
So are you ready to remember?
If so, reach out. You've waited long enough to know the truth. Allow me to serve you in remembering who you truly are and why you’re here. That is my honor and privilege as a Guide in the Lineage of King Salomon - holding the door, just as it was held for me and just as it has been held for thousands of years, to a path of Light that will reunite you with your True Self.
Schedule your consultation with me and let us begin. It’s time to remember.