Serving as a Vessel for the Light
Love, Light, Blessings, and Kindness. Can anyone disagree that we could use more of all of these in the World?
While from one perspective they come from us, from another perspective, they come *through* us. Bringing to wherever we are what is needed as vessels for God’s Light in service to a Higher Good, whether it be love, light, blessings, kindness, or ALL of the above, and grounding it here on Earth. And it's helpful for me to remember that I can only share what I already have. So, for me, it begins with allowing myself to receive the Love, Light, Blessings, and Kindness from above in abundance first so I have plenty to share. Doing unto others as I have already done unto myself. And then simply being the messenger.
So let it begin with you. Let the inspiration and Light of God flow through you. And then pay it forward, wherever you are and wherever you go, in abundance always. ❤️