Harnessing the Power of Emotions
Emotions play a powerful role in our lives. But what happens when we suppress them, minimize them, or don't make the time to express them fully in the moment?
What happens is that we lose control. Rather than us harnessing and directing the energy of the emotions, the emotions harness us and direct our energy.
Emotional triggers are a perfect example. We could be having an awesome day, and then someone says or does something (or doesn’t say or doesn’t do something) that sets us off and we’re suddenly overcome with a flood of uncomfortable emotions. And for hours after the event (and sometimes longer), the triggered emotions and all their associations and possible meanings occupy our mind to capacity. And all of our experiences and interactions in the aftermath - no matter how great or awesome they may be - get colored by the filter of those emotions. And we’re left feeling drained and exhausted.
Does it always have to go this way?
If you would’ve asked me in my younger years, I would’ve said, “of course!” But that was coming from someone who did everything he could to avoid feeling the discomfort of emotions. If I even sensed that emotions might get involved, I was already long gone! Whether physically, mentally, or emotionally, I coped by retreating and sealing myself off in the hopes of keeping my buttons from getting pushed.
But therein lies the key: Buttons are meant to be pushed. Triggers are meant to ignite.
Because when we crystallize habits of suppressing, downplaying, and bypassing the energy of emotions in the moment, we create a backlog. A backlog of the emotions we’re not facing and not taking responsibility for, and yet we’re holding onto them. And like shaking a bottle of soda on a hot day, all of these unresolved feelings, repressed traumas, and pent up emotional energies churn, mix, and build until… Kaboom! The backlog explodes! And what spills out are emotions that are no longer clear, feelings that are about more than what’s happening in the moment, and energies that may not have started as aggressive or forceful have snowballed into a tidal wave as we’ve blocked and restricted their expression. Which is traumatic, in and of itself!
This experience can easily lead to the cycle repeating itself again and again and again through the generations, passing on traumas and inheriting buttons and triggers…..unless the cycle is interrupted.
So how can you interrupt the cycle? What’s something “small” that you can do that can make a big difference?
Here's a tip that’s helped me:
Give yourself permission to feel your emotions in the moment for 10-15 minutes.
The point isn't that there needs to be a time limit on experiencing emotions. Rather, it's to raise awareness that our postponement or attachment to the emotion is what gets us out of the flow and creates unnecessary suffering. Feeling and experiencing your emotions in the moment is KEY, as this allows you to learn how to feel emotions more purely, as opposed to tangled up with past experiences, expectations, and traumas. To learn to observe your emotions and emotional process with less judgment and more objective curiosity, as a scientist might.
And as you stop contributing to the backlog, you may feel lighter, less burdened, and more energized. You may find that you’re no longer tiptoeing around all your button and triggers. And as you get to process emotions and feelings about what’s happening now and move forward, you may feel more open to exploring more of what’s possible in your relationships with yourself and with others. It doesn’t always have to be the same way that it always was. Things can change!
So in holding a boundary with feeling your emotions in the moment, I hope you’ll begin to relearn how to experience your emotions more purely, to be more conscious of caring for your emotional wellbeing, and to be more mindful of harnessing and accepting responsible for the power of your emotions. Try it for yourself! And over time, see what big differences this small idea can manifest for you in your life!
What are other ways you can care for your emotional health?
Being in Nature
Minimizing time spent on phones/computers
Laughter and Smiling
Journaling and Doodling
Listening to Classical Music
Singing and Dancing
Receiving regular Energy Tune-ups (especially the Energy Clearing and Aura Healing)
Getting sufficient Sleep
Physical Exercise & Movement
[Fill in the Blank]
There are so many ways to boost emotional health and resilience. But the most important ones are the ones you will take action on regularly! Consistency and Accountability is Key!
Have questions about harnessing the power of emotions in your life? Reach out and let’s talk!